Chapter 2: Step out of the Shadows into the Winter Morning

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We cut to 11 years later....

It's been years since the five organizations commence operation: Takeover around the world, great cities, countries and states have fallen as the Black Skulls, the Blood Rain Riders, the Plague Dragon Clan, the Sun Scorchers and The Grave Leviathans all split the whole world into 5 powerful and near impenetrable strongholds, fortresses and homes to those who joined their cause. Those who wouldn't join them were either hunted down and imprisoned or killed, some lay low and try to hurt, rob or steal from others to survive in this New World created.

Living in fear with no way out... but who says there's no hope to take on these five dangerous leaders?


Narrator: It was a dark yet winter morning...

We see a large master bedroom which was a rather nice one at that, still a bit dark as it was a very cloudy morning and snowing outside. Within the large bed was a white haired man about 21 years old with an average muscular build, an overbite and was wearing only black sweatpants sleeping in said bed.

He was revealed to be Lincoln Loud all grown.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The clock was beeping as it was 6:30 in the morning, Lincoln slowly awakes from his slumber with a groan.

Lincoln: Morning already?

The white haired man tries to get up but couldn't as he felt something on top of him, he looks down and sighs with a chuckle. There was a 21 year old, fair skinned woman sleeping on top of him, resting her head on Lincoln's chest. The woman was slightly tall but a foot shorter than Lincoln, has loose spiky brown hair and a beautiful figure, especially in the big hips and thighs department with a large rear to match. She was wearing a British Flag T-shirt and black sports shorts.

Lincoln then uses his finger to gently tap her on the shoulder, the woman slowly awakening with a yawn.

Lincoln: C'mon sleepy head, time to get up.

???: (female voice with a British accent) Yaaaawwwwnnn... five more minutes mate... (Goes back to sleep).

Lincoln: Now, now. Don't make me have to move you.

The woman groans before going back to sleep.

Lincoln: (smiles mischievously) Ok, you asked for it.

His hands struck the woman's side and....


The woman was wide awake, bursting with laughter with Lincoln tickling her sides as he managed to get her off him.


Lincoln: Are you awake now?


Lincoln: Okay, Okay.

He stops tickling the woman as she catches her breath, looking up at Lincoln with a playful yet stern glare.

???: (smiles) Huff... huff... I... huff... hate you...

Lincoln: Aww, is the energetic Laine Wolf powerless against these hands?

The woman named Laine Wolf got up and playfully punches the white haired man on the shoulder.

Laine: Oh bug off. (Kisses him on the cheek) Morning Luv.

Lincoln: Morning to you too. I'm gonna go wake the others and get breakfast started, You wanna join in?

Laine: Later, I'mma go freshen up in the shower... (smiles mischievously) unless you wanna join me?

Lincoln Loud: The Omen Scorpion  (Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now