Chapter 10: Hang onto Life

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Lincoln & The Skull Pack were aiming to get the gravely ill Luna to Priscilla in order to finish the cure to stabilize & save Luna's life but their problems got worse, with Black Skulls soldiers being accompanied by Doug and Michelle, ex music producers and judges of America's Next Hit Maker but are now members of the Black Skulls.

Luna: (low growls) Doug... Michelle...

Doug: It is so good to see you again with some new friends I see...

Reby: Lunes, you know this pansy?

Doug: Who're you calling pansy?!

Luna: Doug and Michelle are these Music Producers I once worked with to be the next big thing in music... (Coughs roughly) but they showed their nature of power abuse & corruption in trying to convince me to change outlook on my music & style... I nearly went with it but I stood up to them & played my own rock music instead to be myself.

Michelle: (angry glare) Not to mention that you got us fired, our careers were over thanks to you! If you'd just follow our instructions and accepted the changes, you'd could've been rich & famous but you chose "being yourself" over that!!!

Luna: (coughs roughly before glaring angrily at Michelle) I'd rather be myself than a fake!! Being a bubblegum, k-pop music star who lip syncs, trying to ruin my reputation in rock made me sick!!

Doug: Rock was overrated! No one likes it!

Luna: Tch! That's not what I heard from the audience, they actually loved my music. Just because you hate rock doesn't mean everyone in the world agrees with you two narcissistic idiots!

Michelle: You...!

Lincoln: (cold glare) You two deserve what you've gotten for trying to change my sister. I've heard about your downfall, you have no respect for other's talents. You didn't just try to do the same thing with Luna, you did it with every guy & girl who appeared on your show to bring them down & satisfy your egos.

Sonya: Talk about arrogant & manipulative types who can't get their heads out of their asses.

Doug and Michelle were fuming mad.

Doug: I wouldn't talk so tough if I were you.

Michelle: Yeah, we know about you and what you went through Luna, losing everyone you knew, your family & friends, your girlfriend, your boyfriend... your baby daughter... (Grins)

Luna let out a loud snarl.

Reby: How did you know that? You bozos been stalking us?

Doug: The Black Skulls put us in charge of handling the Moon Rioter situation after many have failed to capture or kill her.

Michelle: By the way (smirks) who do you think order the attack on you & your husband months after you had your kid...? Must hurt being a childless widow, huh?

Luna was seeing red as she almost went ballistic again but Sonya stopped her from charging at Michelle.

Sonya: Lunes, easy! Now's not the time!

Luna slowly calmed down but gave Doug & Michelle a glare of pure hatred.

Michelle: Now we've got your attention Luna. I know everything of what you've been doing in this ruined world, including your illness.

Doug: We got you right where we want you. You're a high class criminal wanted dead or alive but... You're still valuable in a way to the Black Skulls, the first to survive the Project-C formula experiment but you're not quite stabled, are you...?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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