Chapter 8: Enter The Monstrous Rioter

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The Skull Pack was seen carrying an  unconscious Lincoln who was tied up by his chained blade, through the cold, wintery path. The trio then made it to their destination; Their hideout was comprised of a massive insane asylum except it was rebuilt and equipped with enhanced means of security, an electric and barbed wired large steel fence and gates.

Reby presses a button on her cybernetic arm as the gates open, The Skull Pack passed through the gates with Lincoln over Sonya's shoulder, the gates closing behind them with a large metallic clang. Approaching the doors of their hideout, Reby brings her eye to the eye scanner as it got the right link, the doors open with the trio going inside. The inside of the former asylum looked modified and well equipped, weaponry in the vault, money in the other vault, halls full of rooms & prison doors, chains and hooks dangling from the ceiling with dead bodies of those who were sent after them wanting the money for the Skull Pack dead or alive, hanging on the hooks and so on.

Reby: Lights.

The lights came on, illuminating the hideout in bright blue lighting. The Skull Pack walk through the halls where they heard snarls, screams, yells and very unintelligible babbling from inside the concealed cell doors which contained thugs, mercenaries, mutated maniacs, psycho killers and personal hitmen the Skull Pack bested and plan on killing at a later date.

Sonya: (voice boomed) QUIET!!!!!!!!

The sounds from inside the cells ceased.

Julia: Such an annoyance, they are. The Black Skulls clearly aren't trying anymore with sending these desperate fools to take ours heads for the reward.

Sonya: Don't be so cocky, Julia. Some of these men and women put up quite a fight against us.

Julia: And yet they all came up short, just stating the truth. Soon, they'll join the other corpses hanging on hooks from the ceiling.

The Skull Pack entered the main room, Sonya approached a nearby hook on the ceiling and places Lincoln on it with the hook sinking in his chained blade, the unconscious white haired man dangling by it like a spider on it's string of web.

Julia: He's sleeping very peaceful.

Sonya: Tch. Whatever, I'm gonna go fix my baby (carries her busted m134 gatling machine gun)

Julia: Must you call the weapon "your baby?" It's just a modified large gun.

Sonya: Yeah but it's MY modified large gun and no one messes with my guns.

Sonya heads to the next room. Reby pulls up a pail of water, walking towards the unconscious Lincoln and splashing him with water, waking him up while coughing a bit.

Reby: It's about time you've woken up.

Lincoln looks up at Reby and Julia, his eyes narrowed at the skull pack leader & her partner.

Lincoln: ....

Reby: Now that I've got your attention, we can get more acquainted... (Smirks)

Lincoln: (blunt) Ain't my type, sweetheart...

Julia couldn't help but giggle while Reby got an angry look in her eye.

Reby: (angry) Not that type of acquaintance, idiot! Oh you think you're full of jokes, huh?

Lincoln: Meh, not really. I'm not my sister Luan.

Reby: Look here, snow white. I didn't bring you here to play games, now you're going to be a good lil man and give the boss what she wants.

Lincoln: And whatever your boss wants from me, I'm not giving her or you three punks anything.

Reby growls while Julia grins evilly.

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