Chapter 3: Training in the Scorpion's Den

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Within the Scorpion's Den, Lincoln, Cole, Laine, Chad, Donna and Beth all respectfully bowed as Priscilla stands up and walks towards them.

Priscilla: Greetings everyone and welcome to the Scorpion's Den. Before we begin, I shall tell you what you are in for.

Five monitors appeared with five different symbols of the five deadly organizations. A menacing Skull with a curved blade through its elongated teeth for the Black Skulls. A single crescent moon with raining blood in swift motion for the Blood Rain Riders. A rotting & skeletal dragon symbol for the Plague Dragon Clan. A red and yellow scorching sun symbol for the Sun Scorchers. And finally, a tombstone with an ancient dragon's head carved into it for the Grave Leviathans.

Priscilla: The Black Skulls, The Blood Rain Riders, The Plague Dragon Clan, The Sun Scorchers and The Grave Leviathans.... you all know the destruction they've caused upon the entire world, splitting the earth into 5 grand territories and near impenetrable strongholds.

Lincoln, Laine, Cole, Donna, Beth and Chad nodded in agreement, remembering the chaotic events that separated them from their families.

Priscilla: These aren't any petty gangs and thugs that we're dealing with here, these five organizations are the most deadliest clans there is in their own ways, despite the chaos happening they will do everything in their power to make sure that their Order, Justice & Authority is law by any means necessary. Those who were against them & tried to stand up to them perished in the process....

Cole: But that changes until we kicked their asses.

Donna and Beth: Don't interupt her.

Cole: Yeah, Yeah whatever.

Priscilla: Anyways, I have history with the five organizations, I know how they work and what they'll do to insure that their goals are finished. Do not underestimate what attributes these clans have, you even lose focus or lower your guard for a second.... you die by their hands, understand?

Lincoln nodded.

Cole: Yeah.

Laine: Got it.

Donna: Of course.

Beth: Yes.

Chad nodded.

Priscilla: Now the five of you will go through trials that'll decide that if you're worthy of my training & my 'gift'. For you see, Lincoln has already accepted my gift.

The five looked at Lincoln, who looks back at them... his eyes glowed blue for a moment until they returned to normal.

Laine: Whoa...

Priscilla: I took Lincoln in and offered him the training and transfusion with my blood, now he is more than human... able to do things no normal human can do like myself of course but even he, like all of you have much to learn.

Beth: So basically Lincoln has become like a Superhuman?

Priscilla: Precisely, he was given a special serum made from my blood. I was born more than just a human from my mother's side but that's a story for another time. Let us begin.


Priscilla brings the group to a wide room as the walls hold numerous weaponry and armor rather ancient, modern, advanced or high tech. Everyone except Lincoln were in shock and awe of the weapons and armor.

Priscilla: Welcome to my armory & weapons vault. Choose your weapons for battle.

Lincoln stayed at Priscilla's side while Cole, Donna, Chad, Laine and Beth look around the vault for a weapon of their choosing. Soon, everyone had their weapon or weapons of choice; Cole had two machete swords and a flamethrower gun. Laine chose twin sais, a holster of shurikens and a short sword. Chad has chosen two katana blades. Beth picked up two high tech bladed guns and a sniper rifle. And Donna takes a chained sycthe and high tech gauntlets with spiked knuckles.

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