Chapter 2

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Working as an OFW

I was able to pass the screening of employees to Dubai. My pay will be 700 Dirhams. My mother handled the finances and in barely 2 years I was able to build a house for my family and take them away from our slum like area. Neighbors were envious. Mother is relaxed and Gorlette has a baby girl and I treat her like my own. I do not hold any grudges against my folks. I had a damn good lesson in life not to put all the responsibilies on my parents shoulder to reach my goals. I did not look for opportunities to match what I did instead was to match what i can do to opportunities that came my way. Slowly I was able to climb the first step of the ladder. I am now the favorite of my father.
My life may look lucrative for them not thinking about the sleepless nights I had while sleeping on a warm bed the appetite I lost despite inspite of the well served meal I had. Being away from the family is endless loneliness but I endured all of it.
I thirst for good news and that everything was well with them. I told mother to buy her own phone, buy some new housedresses and go to the parlor and have a haircut because I see from pictures that it had become unruly. My big brother was shy to ask for anything. He was also able to buy his own motorbike to reach his workplace faster.The young man is barely 5 ft tall. He never grew up from the responsibility he carried. But he is a dear brother and acts more like a father to me. And as for Gorlette, I also asked her to stay home whenever she does not report for work and assist mother on household chores. I don't want to sound like a boss to them just because I am the one earning. I just want things be done properly. And it worked well.
And there is one more important thing that needs to be settled. The woman that Father had ran away with is pregnant and her husband was threatening to kill father. She died a few days after giving birth and that was the reason for his return. Mother was so frightened of the warning and her bp had reached to 200/110. And I am away and had to think of what to do. I got a hard blow. My lady employer accused me of seducing her husband and wanted me out. I did not know where to go until a friend took me with her. She is a girl friday of the princess and they were good to hire me and work for them.
Her brother Rashid came for a visit and wanted me to be his servant instead. And I became the secretary of Prince Rashid Al Mustaffa.
This is another pace of my messy life and another thing that would make my father be boasful again.
I've grown a little bit taller and father said prettier with the picture they see of me on FB. They may not have noticed the light lines on my forehead and dark circle around my eyes. I want to get home and see them for a while. And it's Christmas time.
Slowly Prince Rashid noticed me and the good work I do.I asked for a few a month leave so I could go home and be with my family for Christmas, he allowed me and gave me things that I could bring home for my family. I have yet to wait for a week before I can finally go home. I spent my time shopping. I was given an additional pay by the prince and I was able to buy a laptop for my little brother which I carried on hand. I bought a good pair of glasses for mother plus a nice pair of earrings. And I wouldn't forget father,'s bottle of wine. As for the boys , I will leave everything to my older brother. Gorlette asked for the necklace I was wearing. And I have a pair of baby's earrings for her little one. I made my family happy and they made me happy too. I don't want to believe that it takes a few gifts to make my family happy but it is. It is my earnest desire to make my family enjoy life.

Arla : The Less Favored Daughter: Written By: Christine AmadaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ