Chapter 7

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     A New Resort
     With the success of the resort, the Prince wanted to add more pools but space is not enough and the Prince is boiling with new ideas.
To make his idea possible , he thought to buy another property.
Father has another thing in mind so he can  benefit more. My brothers had their own but respected that of Father. I asked for Rashid's opinion,brilliant that he is, he was able to come with a better idea with a touch of Father's idea and my brother's but with a finality of his own.  They cannot complain.  I imagined the resort when it is finished.  I see myself sitting in those loungers that Rashid bought directly from the manufacturers while wearing the black swimsuit he asked me to wear. My dream was cut off when I felt his warm embrace. People from the barrio were not used to such display of affection. Not contented with our generosity , they began fabricating stories about Rashid. They said he may have several wives and  if I plan to join them,I would probably be the ugliest. More talks were heard, more so when they heard about our plan to have a new resort. Unlike Father who just shrug off his  shoulders and found a new site where we can have a new resort.  I was so affected and I thought of going back to Dubai for a while. Rashid was at the peak of his interest to have a new resort built with his ideas  , so he remained while I got back to Dubai.  I was not happy with the way things were going on between us and he noticed it. So, when I was at the departure area of the airport somebody took my hand carry. He followed me afterall. I realized how much I mean to him. It made me realize that I cannot afford him to be out of my life.  So,  together we went back to Dubai for a while , but I can see Rashid's excitement on his new project which he started right after he bought the new site,so I asked him to set a schedule of us going back so he can check the progress.  He immediately went to the office of UAE and in no time we were ready to get back. Upon reaching the site we saw Father not looking at what was being done. Upon seeing us immediately, he left his group pretending he is checking on the men working. I thought it will not be finished by summer w/c was our target date to open. Slowly , the sun was disappearing and drizzles started to fall. Seems like Rainy season starts early. But Father encouraged us and  said lots of people want to go on swimming even if it rains. This time , he was right.  Young teeners started to flow once summer had started. In my younger years, I have never experienced going anywhere with my friends. Mother would wake us up early so we can start picking garbage. If not, she would order us to pick up the extra palay grains falling from a thresher.  We go home with an empty stomach not even a piece of bread for breakfast.
     Times had changed a lot. Young people now are lucky but I don't regret growing like I did.  But I will never let my child grow in such a way.
Rashid set a spectacular event for the openning of the resort which was named after me.  Gorlette was not jealous of my good fortune. On that openning day , not only hundreds came it but the resort was jump packed. But before the celebration ended hundreds of red balloons with my name inscribed. were released to fly . The biggest in white formed a special message of proposal saying "Arla will you  marry me".That was Rashid on the chopper dropping  hundreds of pesos.The people were pandemonic and the barangay arrived and a gunshot was heard and put everyone on halt. We violated the covid 19 protocols.  Rashid answered for the swab test of everyone and answered the hospitatization and medication of those found positive.  We almost forgot Rashid's proposal  except for r
Rashid who patiently waited for my reply.  In a splash from the slide, I answered him.yes and he joined me. We surfaced both gasping for breath after a long passionate kiss and the openning was announced free for all.except for those w/out a face mask  and shield.
Rashid wanted our wedding at the garden of the resort. My sister's talent in decorating was discovered. When pictures were uploaded a lot of marrying couples were asking about the nice venue. Unintentionally, "Arla's Spa and Resort became so popular and my sister's decoration was especially requested.  We only had one problem. With the many people checking the place, they wanted to include our nest to be a part of the reservations and we can never allow it.  So, we searched for another location where we can build a new exclusively our own.   Rashid did not stop from searching till he found one. And he did on the hilly side near the stream.  And Our Love Nest was built and served as an attraction who came for a picnic . I wanted a cozy place to live in. One with a worable kitchen because I love to cook. I told Rashid that I wanted a spacious bathroom with neat blue tiles to match a blue bath tub. I want my towels hung inside the bathroom inside a  hanging cabinet where I can keep my toiletries. I want an immaculately clean bathroom. I want my room freshly ventilated where airconditioners were openned at minimal. Fresh air is all I need.  I personally did the interiors except for the original painting On a Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh which Rashid had won in an auction for a priceless amount.
The house may just be simple but decorated with valuable and collectors' items so we cannot just leave it  unguarded.   Father wanted to take care of our place but The Prince wanted someone younger so my brother Ricci may do it. Besides, he is responsible and can be trusted. Father did not feel good about it and does not want to join us plan our wedding. The Prince found it hard to understand. Mother said she will take care of everything.
     I heard Father crying on Gorlette's shoulders and with my own two ears I heard him saying '"You will always be my favorite dear child" That was never a secret to me. I knew he loves her more than I but I never complain. I love him so much more than he knows.If ever I cannot give him what he wants does not mean I don't care. But he made it clear to me now, Parents do play favorites and that favorite is not me .

Arla : The Less Favored Daughter: Written By: Christine AmadaWhere stories live. Discover now