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I flop down on the couch "I HATE WORKING!"I shout out. Iida comes out of his room "Welcome home Y/n." He says. He sits next to me "I thought you liked the kids?" He questions. I nod "I do, it's all the grading and paper work that sucks." I lift myself up and sit straight "So how was your day-" I see Iida in nothing but sweatpants. I blush and look away. "It was ok. Nothing too crazy." He takes a sip of whatevers in his cup. I've seen him shirtless before but with his amount of muscle it's hard to get used to it.

I throw a pillow at him and frown "I cant believe you!" I say as I close the door to my room. "I didnt mean to! Y/n please I didnt know- just please! I'll do anything, please, please forgive me!" He says frantically. I smile, knowing how much me being upset with him bothers him "No, theres no way to fix what you did." I sniff and pretend I'm about cry. "Y/n? Are you crying? Please, I didnt know it was the last poptart! I'll buy you more I promise!" I open the door with a pout on my face "Really?" I ask. He nods "Yes!" I smile brightly and hug him "Thank you thank you! Love you Iida!" I let him go "Also I want the shower first tonight!" I go off to the bathroom. I leave Iida a blushing mess.

"Are you sure?" The guy asks again. I give him an annoyed look "Yes, you can not have my number." Right now I'm sitting outside my school waiting for Iida. Hes walking me home since I got out late to keep creeps like this guy away. The problem is hes late. "Cmon, it's just your number." He persists. I roll my eyes "If its 'just' my number then you can live without it." I check the time and tap my foot anxiously. This guy's really making me anxious. I dont have many good memories with men.

"Look-" he grabs my arms and I pull back. My heart starts to race "DONT TOUCH ME!" I shout at the guy. "Just give me your number!" He looks angry. "Leave me alone!" I squat down and cover my ears. He continues to shout at me about how I'm just a bitch and I'm playing hard to get. "Please, leave me alone." I say over and over again. Suddenly the shouting stops. I look up and see Iida. Wheres the guy? I look around. Hes gone. I uncover my ears and stand up, still feeling shaky. Why do men think if they harass me itll change my mind. I feel myself start to cry. "Thank you."I tell Iida. He uses one arm to bring me into a hug "Its ok. Let's just get home." He takes my hand and starts to lead me. I nod and follow.

After we get home I take a shower and lay in bed. I hear a quiet knock on the door. "Come in."I say. I feel weight shift when Iida sits next to me. I turn on my back and look at him. He smiles "Hey. Are you feeling better?" He asks. I nod "Mhm." He takes my hand, looking a bit concerned "Y/n, why were you so scared? I know it was a scary situation, but your usually so strong. I've always seen you as a tough independent person. To see you like that...." he trails off.

I sit up "I just... that's not the first time that's happened to me. They think they can just take what they want from me. I used to stand up to them but... one man got violent and I couldn't defend myself." I lift my shirt up and show him a long scar under my breast. "He cut me because I would come with him." I explain. Iida runs his hand on it, frowning. "I'm so sorry." I put my shirt down. "No, it's ok. It's made me stronger, but I cant help but breakdown when a man I dont know grabs me or shouts at me. I cant help it." I look down at my hands. "Thank you got telling me. How about we get some sleep?" He smiles and gets up.

"Um, actually, could you stay in here tonight? I usually have my friend here to comfort me, but since I moved I barely see them." I scoot over and pat the empty spot. He nods "Ok." He lays down next to me and gets comfortable under the covers. He smells like his usual cologne but now its mixed with his shampoo. It's a good smell. I move closer and lay my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat. I close my eyes "Thank you. Goodnight Tenya." He puts and arm around me "Goodnight Y/n."

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