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I put on a comfortable outfit and some walking shoes. Now that I think about it, I haven't been out in crowded places with Tenya very often. I wonder if he gets surrounded by fans. I grab a small bag with my wallet and a few other necessities in it and go wait by the door for Tenya. "Ready?" He asks as he shoves his car keys and wallet into his pockets. He was wearing a tank top and shorts with his hair pushed out of the way, not exactly styled like it usually is, but put together. I nod and we walk out to his car. It's supposed to be pretty hot out today so I put my hair up in a pony tail.(unless your with short hair gang like me 😎)

As we pull out of the apartment complex I wave to our neighbors doing some gardening. Tenya smiles and takes my hand as he drives "Its nice I'm able to be close with you like this." He says contently. I'm glad hes happy. When I first met him he always seemed stressed and busy. "Me too." I watch the buildings and stores pass by as he drives.

After 20 minutes of driving we park outside the fair. It was loud with kids screaming and rides going. "Well, let's go. What do you want to do for at after getting tickets?" He says. I think for a second "I think the big dropper thing. Ya know, the one that goes up really slowly and then just drops you suddenly. Oo! Then funnel cake!" I take his hand again and we buy our tickets "Are you sure you wanna do that one? It seems... intense." He looks from where we are at the front of the park at the tall tower. "Yep! It's my favorite. Why? Are you scared?" I nudge his shoulder teasingly. He raises his eye brow "I fight villans for a living. A little drop wont be enough to frighten me!" He declared. I chuckle a bit "Fine, we'll see if your brave enough." We make our way to the ride.

"Please keep hands and feet inside the ride, and have fun!" The employee says. I grap the handle bar in front in anticipation. I dont really like the going up part, I like the drop. Tenya starts to sweat "If you need Y/n, you can hold my hand." He says. I laugh "Nope! I'm all good over here! How bout you?" I ask. "PErfeCt!" He jerks when we start to rise into the air. I feel bad and take his hand "You didnt have to come with me on this Tenya." I look over at him "No, its ok! I want to be here with you." He squeezes my hand.

We stop at the top and I look over the park. "It looks so cool from up here! Look Tenya!" I smile and swing my legs back and forth, feeling the wind. He opens his eyes and nods "Mhm, its cool." He looks around anxiously. "1... 2... 3 and..." I start. "What are you counting down fo-" he starts. Hes cut off by us dropping down. I scream and laugh as we fall. I hear Tenya screaming too, but he sound like hes actually about to die. We squeeze eachothers hands the entire time. I'd suggest we go again, but when we get off the ride, Tenya is leaning on me. I sit at a bench with him after getting some food and drinks for us.

"Feeling a bit better?" I ask. He nods "Yeah... where to next?" He asks. "Why dont you choose? I say.

Uhaul (Tenya Iida x reader) Where stories live. Discover now