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"Ummm.... how about the haunted house?" He asked. I think for a moment. I'm gonna shit myself if something pops out at me, but I wanna do something he'll enjoy so "Alrighty, sounds good." I give him a thumbs up.

After he doesnt feel dizzy anymore we head off to the haunted house. It's pretty big but theres not a huge line so we wait about 5 minutes to get in. While we wait I tell him stories of what my students do in class. "I have a student, Haruki, and they got mud ALL over themselves. When I asked why they got in the mud, they said because they saw an elephant do it on World Geographic." I sigh when I remember how their mom chewed me out about all the dirt. Tenya chuckles "That sounds like a fun job." He smiles. "Yeah, most of the time. I'm sure being a hero is much more exciting though." I say. Its finally our turn to go into the house. We go in and its pitch black.

"Well, its exciting sometimes. Other times I'm stressed,worried, I go into work not sure if I'll get to go home." He said with furrowed eyebrows. I take his hand as we walk down the dark hallway "Its a dangerous job. When you leave for work I always wish for your safety." I flinch when a lamp suddenly turns on. "Phew." I settle back down. Tenya holds in a laugh "Scared?" He asks. I roll my eyes "Pshhhh no way. Just caught me off guard."

We continue on, I flinch or scream at every jump scare while Tenya holds my hand and leads me through. I'm sorry, but being afraid of an axe murdered is a NORMAL thing. We reach the end and I sigh out of relief. I let go of his hand and look at all the lights around. "Guess we were in there a while." Tenya says "Its already sunset." He looks around and we walk around for a while. I look at the huge ferriss wheel.(I had the hugest friggin brain fart and forgot what a ferriss wheel was 😩) "Let's go on that." I point to it. He looks at wheel and nods "Alright." We make our way to the line and wait.

We sit on the bench inside the ferriss wheel. We start moving slowly around. I look out the window and see the tall buildings filled with lights and a large lake. It was beautiful. I look back at Tenya and find him staring. He blushes and looks out the window on his side "Sorry." He mutters. I smile and scoot next to him "You dont gotta apologize." I hold his hand and lean on him. He leans his head on mine and we reach the top. I kiss his cheek and blush "Kiss at the top like in the movies, ya know." I smile. He chuckles and pulls me closer, kissing me. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. It really is like in the movies.

Uhaul (Tenya Iida x reader) Where stories live. Discover now