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I feel a kiss on my forehead as I wake up. "Tenya... what time is it?" I gumble out. The sun isnt even up yet. "Its... 6:40. When I usually wake up." He says softly. I finally wake up a bit and look outside. The god damn stars are still out. I sigh and sit up in the bed "Why so early?" I ask sleepily. "Because, and early start is good. Cant waste the day sleeping. Its sunday so it's your last day off this week right? We could go out today." He says, pulling me into cuddles. "But I like this..." I pout. He shakes his head no "Nope! We can cuddle for 5 minutes then we should go eat. Arent you hungry?" He chuckles as I snuggle into his chest. "Mhm."

Tenya flips the pancake perfectly. "Dude, how even-" he shushes me "Its a family secret." He winks. I've never seen this side of Tenya before. Is this him being comfortable around me? Or letting loose. It's nice. I flip the bacon carefully so I dont get popped by the grease. Cooking can be so scary... I wince as some grease pops out of the pan and hits my arm "Ow!"i drop the tongs "I hate cooking bacon!" I flip the bacon off and glare "Frigging grease!" Tenya laughs at me. "I'm glad you find my suffering funny." He takes the tongs from me as I complain.

"So, do you want to do something today?" Tenya asks, as he rubs my shoulders. I lean into it, realizing how tense I've been from stress. "Mm. Maybe later. Keep doing that though." I close my eyes and relax. "Ok. Here lay on the couch and I'll do your whole back." He offers. I nod my head and lay down. He hovers over me and starts at my shoulders, massaging in a circle motion. I stretch a bit before settling down. He gets lower, rubbing the sides of my torso, then reaching lower to my lower back. "Where would you want to go, Dear?" He asks. I blush "Dear?"I ask. "Er- should i just call you Y/n?" He asks nervously. I smile "No, you can call me Dear. It's cute. And how about the fair?" He kisses the back of my neck, then hops off the couch. "Then we should go get ready then." He gives Star, our cat, a head pet before heading to his room to change out of his pajamas. I go to my room to do the same.

Uhaul (Tenya Iida x reader) Where stories live. Discover now