Chapter Eleven: A Better Alternative

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Tawaragata seems to be stable from here on the mountaintop. I can't say if we made a real difference in disrupting Nite's hold on the city. I don't know where the looking device is, and Haleema is still sleeping in her room.

"Do you think we successfully completed our mission?" I say. Ulrika cuddles me from behind with her arms over my shoulder and her face resting on my head.

"Hmm. I believe so. We've really crippled their positions. There isn't any way they could've defended it." In silence, I accept her answer with a single nod, then lay my head on her lap. She hunches over to look down at me. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine; I'm just itching to leave this place."

"Where do you wanna go." I think about it, but I'm stuck on where to rest our heads in.

"I don't know. What do you suggest."

"Umm," she hums, looking off to the left while tapping her lips. "We can go back to my home and show my parents we're alright."

"Good idea. They're probably worried sick. Especially your mom."

"Yeah," she giggles. "Speaking of mothers, we should visit your mom. We're literally a mountain away from Kromagia."

"You wanna meet Thyrna?"

"Yeah! Oh, wait... Where does she live?"

"In Tranquilith. It's in the middle of the kingdom. It'll take us a few days to arrive there."


"It's best if we return home, then go see Thyrna. Between our mothers, your mom is longing for your return." She leans down closer to my face, then presses her hands gently on my cheeks.

"You make it sound like your mom doesn't wish you back."

"Well, she sent me off to work the bounties, but I think she wants to see how I'm fairing. A year plus is too long to be away from your loved ones."

"I agree. We'll stay a few days with my family, then we'll go to yours. How does that sound?"

"That's fine with me."

"Great," she whispers, then offers me three soft kisses on my lips. "It's time we wake up Haleema and move on."

I sit up and look back down at the city. Seeing it from a distance brings back all the moments from the infiltration to my remembrance. It leaves me feeling sour, but the conversation last night with Ulrika lightens my mood to a near smile.


I sit at a table, waiting for Ulrika to bring Haleema over to me. Ulrika walks into the main room with all her swords strapped to her body. She places my sword on the table, then takes a seat next to me. Haleema enters in with a crazy amount of bedhead. Her hair is frizzy and all over the place.

"I hear you have something to say to me," Haleema says, yawning and stretching her arms out. I look at Ulrika feeling a bit nervous, but she gives me a smile and a nod of encouragement.

"I'm done being a Paladin," I say, loud and clear.

"What?" Haleema rapidly blinks her eyes then looks at us with wide-open eyes of shock. "Kaioson...what? Are you serious?"

"I am." She takes a seat in front of us, staring down at the table before looking back at me again.


"It's... stressful. I'm not a battle-hardened fighter. Yes, I'm skilled with magic and with weapons, but most of my life, I've never had to deal with fanatics like this." I take a moment to keep my emotions steady and not get too angry or sad. "For years, I've served out bounties for wanted criminals. Being here, as a Paladin, is out of my element."

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