Chapter Four: Last Day in Thaa Alora

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Rhyndac drops her hand after a minute since the explosion of the cultist prisoners. She moves around the table, viewing the walls, corners, and floor. Haleema stands next to the table with one hand on it, looking at her. I pull Ulrika by her waist closer to me just in case something strange happens. Rhyndac and Haleema aren't saying anything but occasionally looking at one another.

"What are you two doing?" I say.

"Taking in notes," Rhyndac says, walking my way. "Demonic magic is hardcore and brutal when it comes to trying to understanding it."

"Very true. I can't fucking stand it, but we need to learn what it is," Haleema adds. "Rhyndac, send a report to Emdal and meet us in Nebulas." I hear Ulrika whisper the word Nebulas out of earshot from them.

"Alright, Bye, bye, everyone, and Kaioson."

With her left hand, Rhyndac swings it in and out. An oval opening shaped in a circling reddish-white cloud appears. She steps into it, and it closes in at the speed of a blink.

"I'm not going to let that go, Kaio," Ulrika says.

"Don't worry about her, Ulrika. Rhyndac has always acted flirty since I met her," Haleema says.

"I don't care if it's her personality. If she talks to him like that or touches him, we'll have a problem."

"Relax, Ulrika. I don't think she'll try anything too rash."

"She better not." I'm speechless yet amazed at Ulrika's protectiveness. "And you keep," she pauses, pointing at Haleema. "You keep your hands off him too." Haleema bends her forearms back, nervously laughing as she looks at us.

"I won't touch your husband."

"My" Ulrika and I view each other at the same time. "W..w..w.. we're not-"

"Married," I interrupt.


"The way you two act, it sounds like you should be," Haleema says. Ulrika looks at me again. Her cheeks are a deep red. I've never seen them get so red before in the time I've known her. "Hey, Kaioson."

"Mhmm?" I say.

"After everything you saw, will you help us? Will you become a Paladin?"

"If I accept, Ulrika has to be by my side."

"That's acceptable. You two have so much potential that can be perfected. Now I think about it, Ulrika, you can become one as well." Ulrika nods her head, then rests her head on my shoulder.

"We'll help."

"Thank you two so much. We'll leave tomorrow for Nebulas in the morning."

Haleema leaves the room waving her hand at someone to her left. I hear sounds of chains jiggle and slam dawn on the stone floor outside. The elven guards shout at the cultists to walk out of the building to their long-awaited execution.

"I wonder why they didn't blow up," I say, heading towards the door.

"Kaio," Ulrika says in a soft voice. I stop in the doorway, looking over my shoulder at her. "Do you know where we're going?"

"Yeah, she said Nebulas." She's giving me a sulky face, so I return back to the room. "What's up? Why are you looking sad?"

"Nebulas is a few hours away from my hometown, Ambagra. I haven't been back home since... since... Decimus and Numerius were killed." Her breathing increase and her exhales are shaky.

"Your brothers, right?" She shakes her head, yes, while covering her mouth. Her eyes sparkle from the tears forming in her eyes. Without a single hesitation, I bring her into my arms.

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