Sad past and new beginnings

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Johnny put down the phone when Sehun hung up and sighed deeply alerting the attention of his boyfriend Taeyong who was laying across his lap. "What's wrong honey did you get bad news or something" Taeyong asked softly. Johnny smiled half heartedly and replied "huh no I didn't I'm just worried about Sehun he seems interested in someone". Taeyong confused as to why he was worried questioned him further "why are you worried isn't it good for him to meet someone". "Well yes and no" Johnny spoke seriously. Hearing such a serious tone come from Johnny worried Taeyong "why no". Johnny sighed once more and spoke somberly "Sehun loved someone once with his whole heart but things didn't work out well. He had his heart broken his smile faded and he kept to himself. I almost lost him as a friend". Taeyong saw the hurt in Johnny's eyes. Johnny and Sehun have been close friend for a long time. Going to school together and even debuting as fashion designers around the same time. So thinking of Sehun hurt also hurt him. "So your worried that if he gets hurt again it'll break him even more." Taeyong stated after a long pause. Johnny just nodded now wrapped up in his head. "Hmm why don't you send your knew intern to help Sehun out with his show so you can have a pair of eyes on him. See if you need to worry or not". Johnny smiled "that's a good idea Taeyong. Jeno is good worker and I'm sure he'll help with this perfectly" Johnny smiled finally and grabbed his phone to text his newest intern Jeno a promising young fashion designer who if he wanted to could model with how nice Jeno's proportions are. Johnny sent the text saying that Jeno will be helping out with Sehun's fashion show while at the same time keeping an eye on Sehun for him. Jeno as to be expected was a bit hesitant but came around eventually. Johnny was pleased to know that he had someone looking out for his close friend. Johnny pushed his negative thoughts to the back of his mind and turned his focus to his boyfriend of two years. Him and Taeyong met very similarly to how Johnny met Sehun. They all went to college together although Taeyong went for modeling purposes they still crossed paths and fell deeply in love. Taeyong is a regular model in most of Johnny's fashions shows. As happy as Taeyong makes Johnny. Johnny was still very stressed about his friend.

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