Chapter 8

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Max: wait, did he do something?

Win: are we going to addressing every GMM issue now?

Plan: after Singto we're going to Bright.

Gun: are we not curious about Gaylord? Isn't this why we are here?

Off: some of us already know these stories so it gets boring hearing about it since it already happened like 2 years ago.

Tay: now I really wish Gaylord was here. He made us do silly things not addressing on things that went down years ago.

Saint: I mean PerthSaint story happened years ago same with MewArt but still it was something that was discussed.

Mean: if you're going to learn then you need to hear all critics.

Krist: we already learnt from it.

Mew: I feel like the moment you make a mistake as a public figure it kinda gets stuck with you. People forgive but will always remember the bad and the good too so you have to brace yourself and be the stronger person whenever your flaws are pointed out. Like how many times have I been asked about my scandal? It's what keeps me in line too since people are always reminding me.

Tul: that's true. But what did Singto do I'm still curious.

Prem: you mean KristSingto?

Saint: It was a pair?

Fluke: they were joking with rape.

Ohm: why do you know all of this though?

Fluke: it beats me.

Earth: corona has left us with enough time to dig up old scandals

Tul: Yeah GMM Actors really need a workshop on public decency.

Off: we're not that bad. Come on.

Fluke: it was really bad this time. The chat is really disturbing especially the playful nature in which they were joking.

Earth: I mean in what universe do you come together and start making such jokes. I still don't get it.

Singto: yeah guys I'm repenting. I'm really sorry about that. I'll keep on apologizing for it because it was not cool.

Zee: I was about to say I'm disappointed and didn't expect that to come from you but the apology itself makes up for it.

Prem: Krist don't you have something to say?

Krist: I already apologized

Krist: but I'll do it again. I'm sorry that was reckless of me.

Kao: GMM should really do something.

Saint: as if they're any better. Didn't you see the backlash they got on Jenny's video they posted?

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