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AN// People have been asking when they'll get to meet Zachariah don't worry 😏
he'll be introduced very,very, soon.

Lucy's POV

"LUCY?!" Everyone shouted.

Are they really that surprised? Ugh.

"Jeez chill out." I said not meaning to be so cold then walking toward my best friend but then getting trampled by my former comrades.

"Sorry Lucy." They all smirked as I laughed along with them.

After talking to them I finally walked toward Levy and all I could see was her blue hair rushing toward me.

"I missed you, Lu-chan. Don't leave me again, okay?" She quietly said.

"Okay but just for you." I smiled back.

"Hey Bunny girl we missed you." Said a man who literally was wearing 50 Shades of Gray... & black.

"Yeah me too, Gajeel." I responded quite awkwardly if I must say.

"She became my girlfriend awhile back and I haven't seen her this happy in a long time so I feel obligated to say thanks." He blushed while saying girlfriend.

Aww I totally ship them.

"Anything for her ahah." I said back.

For awhile I had just sat back and watched Fairytail just being themselves partying, getting drunk, you know the norm. I enjoyed the time to sort out the madness in my brain and as if on cue Kiyoshi ruins it.

"Guess who's Miss Popular!" He snickered clearly drunk.

"Shut up." I told him while throwing a simple attack at him.

"Woah Luce." Natsu stuttered," You know more than Celestial Magic?"

What's up with everyone popping out of nowhere?!

"Yeah sort of..." I responded trying not to blow my cover.

"Sort of?! You know everythannnng you're the freaking Que-" He slurred his words as I covered his mouth from revealing my royalty.

"Fight me then!" Natsu said arrogantly.

Ugh of course being leader of Team Natsu means you're the "best". The fact that the team's name is named after himself sort of explains it, like for real man the world doesn't revolve around Natsu Dragneel.

Levy butts in saying,"Lu-chan please don't do this Natsu has been training non-stop lately. Trust me he's gotten a lot stronger than before."

Agreeing with her because he's annoying I say, "I don't think that's appropriate to do right now." rolling my eyes.

"Tch, you're still weak trash." He mumbled not knowing that I had obviously heard.

"What the hell did you just call me?!" I furiously screamed.

"How did you hear that? I didn't mean it I swear!" Natsu said trying to clear his name.

Yeah right I thought to myself.

"Lu don't." Whispered Akira suddenly looking frightened of me.

"C'mon you know better." Said Kiyoshi sobering up.

"I. Don't. Care. I'm fighting him." I replied confidently.

Everyone screams forming a circle around us,

"Okay." He smirks.

Does he really have the guts to smirk?

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu yelled.

I rolled my eyes again, yeah you haven't used that before ever genius. I dodged it quickly and got into my "fighting stance" as Zoricrone (<a dragon council member) calls it.

(AN// don't mind the random ass names 😂^ it sounded cooler in my head)

A blue ball of light hurdled toward Natsu and surprisingly out of nowhere I thought of Zachariah.

Natsu's POV

Still shocked that Lucy dodged my attack so quickly I hadn't realized she already casted her attack.


Did she really have to scream? Damn, I must've pissed her off a lot...

I smirked knowing that I could just try absorbing the attack with Crimson Lot-

Lucy's POV

The impact of Bleu Celeste hit Natsu pretty hard if I must say aha. He blacked out, half of Fairytail's east wall is missing,and everything & basically everyone became eerily quiet. Whoops.

"What is going on here?!" Master roared.

"Me and Natsu had a fight." I responded sheepishly showing my face to Master.

"Lucy, my child would you be a dear and fix it up please and when you're finished come up to my office with your friends?" Makorov said surprisingly sweetly.

"Yeah sure thing."

I clamped my hands together focusing on what Fairytail had looked before we came.

"Arc of Time: Restore."

Slowly everything from debris to tables were flashed back to their original places and Natsu was revived luckily by Wendy who surprisingly had quick recovery time.

Apparently Natsu walking up to me, suddenly snapped everyone out of their trance which was a bad thing because BAM!¡ I suddenly became bombarded with questions from everyone.

"Luce what happened to you?"

"How did you get so strong?!"

"What kind of magic was that?"

"Can you teach me how to attack like that?"

"Is that your natural hair colour?"

My brain was literally gob a explode so I grabbed Akira and Kiyoshi and ran towards Master Makorov's office.

AN// This chapter was originally gonna be aloooooot longer but noo I screwed it up once again by instead of selecting and pasting I selected the half portion and felted which I have yet to recover so deal with its shortness. And yet again sorry I haven't been as good with updating frequently hehehe gomen. Okay and last thing I'm staring a new thing which is where I give a shoutout to the user with my favorite comment I'm going to start next chapter lmao so yeah congratulations if you read this far 😂👐 once again I adore you lovelies and I'll see you next chappie 😘

-Prada out xoxo 🔥

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