The area of our love. (Chapter 3 - part two)

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I think that the PE lesson went good. Especially with Josh in it. True it wasn't that good when the ball hit my face. Thrice actually. But whatever. I enjoyed it.

"You ready to go?" Mila asked.

"To go? Where?" I said.

"To the lunch." she gave me that sweet smile. And god, I forgot to tell her.

"Nope, sorry, I'm going with Josh somewhere."

I caught Mila grinning like an idiot when she heard about me going out with Josh. "Where?"

"I wouldn't tell you even if I knew." I assured her with a smirk, putting my clothes into the locker. "And before you say anything. It's. Not. A. Date." I cut her off just as I saw her taking a deep breath to say something ridiculously stupid what, of course, was a normal thing in her case.

I turned around and started walking towards the bathroom to put on some make-up. When I looked in the mirror I froze in a shock. I looked like a mess. To make it better I made a ponytail and started washing my face. When I was done, I took the towel I had when I was taking a quick shower with girls after the lesson and dried my face with it. I took my mascara and started applying it on my algae. I made a quick check in the mirror on the make up and then let my hair out of the pony tail. I stared at it clueless what should I do about my hair. Finally I decided to brush my long wavy hair and do a hairflip afterwards so it would look messy but hot. Honestly, I was satisfied with my messed up hair for the first time.

I took my iPod and put the headphones on, Rubberneckin' by Elvis Presley started playing and I started dancing the way to outside the school where I was supposed to meet with Josh. He wasn't there yet so I just listened to songs on iPod and danced along. I really like the song Haunted by Taylor Swift. Not that I would be a fan of her or anything but I just love it. Before in Brazil, when I used to dance we had our own assembly to this song. We won a competition with it and so I had a lot of great memories hidden in it. I started dancing to it like I used to and I wasn't paying attention that people were around or that anyone could see me. I added few hairflips into it so it was a bit of crazier.

"Calm down." a voice appeared behind my back. I slowly turned around to face Josh who looked amused.

"Hi. How long are you watching me?" I felt my face was filling with blood so I turned my gaze to ground looking at my cowboy boots.

"Long enough to know you are a really good dancer. Why don't you dance?" he hands me his hand in the suggestion of going to take the lunch. I placed my hand in his giving him a gently smile.

"I got tired of it but I decided to join the cheerleader team this year just waiting if they take me or not." He led me to his car, Audi R8. "Audi R8?! Seriously? How much money you have?"

"More then I deserve." he says as he's opening me the door. Like a gentleman. I say to myself.

"I hope you like Sushi." Josh says when we arrive to the devilfish restaurant. That is going to cost a lot, he can't pay too much for me. No.

"Actually, I never tasted it." I said with an apologizing smile.

"I bet you will like it, let's go." he places a hand on my backs and pushes me towards the entrance.

I stop in front of the huge glass door when I see everybody in suits and dresses. "What's wrong, Laura?" Josh asks with an obvious worry in his voice.

"We can't go there. Look how dressed they are and we have school uniforms!" he laughed. "What are you laughing about?" I ask in disbelief.

"That's my family's restaurant. You'll get some clothes, don't worry about that. My sister has taken care of it." he says and opens the door. We walk in and I'm dazzled by it's beauty. It's so big and amazing. It's the best restaurant I've ever seen or been in.

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