The area of our love. (Chapter 8)

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It's about to turn midnight in not even 15 minutes and I am still not asleep. My table lamp is on and I am studying for the History and Math exams I got tomorrow, apparently these two are the last ones for this year, I surely can see it coming that the second week after NYE is starting with exams to finish the first term too. I know it but it could be a good thing though, from February, there's no more Josh in the classroom and that means less trouble. Perhaps I am wrong. There've been  rumors that the reason why Josh and I broke up in the end of September is that he wanted sex but I wasn't ready. It got me mad but Mila would just not get me, she still was dating Max after all and had their first time a month ago though but Josh and I both knew it was a total lie. It was all about the drama that I could've still not understand, so what, he has anger issues. I don't care. Isn't it that if you fall in love with someone, you accept the bad and the good at them? Yeah it is.

As I was reading the tasks in my Math's book and completing the tasks in it, that I even had for homework yet, I yawned. Gosh I was so asleep, the whole day practice was not helping at all. It could only get worse for me and my studies. I was a total lame ass at History so I really needed to stay up all night, no matter what kind of bullets it took for me. I glanced at the empty glass right next to my left hand  and thought, Should I or shouldn't I go down for another coffee? If I decided to go for one, I would be more full of life at this horrible night but I would also have a fourth cup already. If I decided not to go for one, I'd probably fall asleep and fail the exams. Whatever, I groaned as I stood up, trying to force myself into not so sleepy and tragedic night walk into the kitchen. I saw the light was still on there so I thought they might forgot it but as I got downstairs I realized I was wrong. There she was, the most beautiful woman alive, my mother.

"Hi sweetheart, you are still up?" she asked not believing it.

I just nodded with an annoyed yawn. "Yeah, I am. I got these exams tomorrow and it just all getting me down. I need some more coffee or I will fail it probably." I said and placed the cup in our coffee maker, just then I realized that my mom had a work clothing, I angrily narrowed my eyes on her as I asked, "Cristiane Michelle Dawn Jones, don't you even dare to tell me you were in work until now!" My mom actually hated when I called her by her full name but she wasn't really paying attention at that right now.

"I came just now, yeah, but not from the work, Laura. I got to be there until 8:30 like always but then when I was leaving, my colleague James, I think you remember him, asked me for a ride to his place because his car was not really friendly with him so I took him where he lived. Which suprised me was that he lived near the LAX and I saw flashing lights there and as I grew closer there were firemen and abulances, apprantly two of the planes got in the same direction. Anyway I was supposed to tell you in the morning but we should be leaving tomorrow to Brazil for a week like around noon, I didn't know how to tell you because of the match and you are practically the most important person at the cheerleaders, besides Alison and so I guess that it happened for your faith, we are not able to leave until 9pm. Doesn't it sounds good?" she said as he patted my shoulder and gave me a gentle smile.

Ha-ha, what kind of faith would it be if I wasn't getting back together with Josh, though. He was my soul I knew it. My mother even knew what was going on and she knew how much I loved him but, it was just a game, of course I am happy to be there for the how others call it, performance and the football match but I don't really think I'll get any time to talk to Josh in there. Whatever, I took my cup from the maker as it beeped for second time already and just nodded at my mom. "I guess you are right, duh. I don't really see no faith in it if I don't pass the History exams that are at noon, Cris. But thanks anyway." She knew that it wasn't my full though with the faith and that I left Joshua out of the topic but she understood I wasn't in the mood of talking about him. All she did was that she wished me a good luck and goodnight, pulled me into a tight hug and left me there alone as she walked in her bedroom. I shook my head at this precious woman and started walking upstairs again.

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