The area of our love. (Chapter 5)

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Okay so Josh wants me to stay away from him? Fine but first I want to know the reason why. I'm not going to stay back until he tells me what all of this means so I take the note read it and reply with a new one. I didn't know what to write though so I just wrote this

Dearest Joshua,

I'm glad you liked me ever since and so I am glad you liked the kiss because I just can't rescue from it even now. 

All I really want to know is.. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!


I put in my pocket and went to school with Mila who picked me up. She lives a block away from my house so she's the one to always step by, well mostly in the mornings. It's just 2 blocks to the school so we don't take the bus. Josh doesn't take it either. Why would he if he can drive with Audi R8, right. Why do I always have to think about him? I don't want to but I can't stop it. 

"Lau. The results are today! Want me to be with you when they will anounce it?" Mila speaks up and cuts me out of thinking. 

"I don't think it's necessary, sweatheart. The captain told me that it will be anounced in the school radio during the first period which we have together." I gave her a gently smile and she put her arm around my shoulders. 

"I love you." we both said at the same time and laughed about it. 

When I got to the first period that happened to be a math class, Josh was already sitting in the class and reading about something. That amazing and hot brown haired boy who sat in the second row looked up to me and his eyes widened just when he saw me. But he didn't smile, I know what all that is about. He wants me to stay away from him. Note, the note. I shove my hand in the pocket, take out the note and place it on the desk. Then I grabbed Mila's arm and led her to sit next to me in the fourth row. I saw Josh turning around to me but I just gave him a disapproving look. In a minute a note from Josh hit me in the hand.

Can we talked about it later? Please. I want to explain the things to you. Don't be mad. I'm sorry.

I was mad at him at all, I was just disappointed. I didn't know what he wanted to talk about. He wanted to explain me? A little bit late for it, ain't it? I noticed Josh was still looking at me and so I just nodded in an agreement. He nodded too. The bell rang and Mr, Adams, our maths teacher walked in. I really love math and I'm good at it but I seriously hate the geometry. It's so annoying and I don't know I just don't like it. The teacher calls me up to the blackboard to calculate the task. I nervously walk around Josh who keep his eye on me the whole time, I can feel it. I take the chalk and start writing. When I'm done, the school radio starts making noises and the girl, Hayley who was the cheerleaders captain started talking.

Hello students, 

it's Alison Montgomery and I'm bringing you the anouncment of the taken cheerleaders this year. We decided to take 5 of all the five hundred girls that attended the audition to our team. Three of those beautiful and incredibly talented girls were selected to be in the basic set and they are: Elizabeth Weasley from the freshmen year, Emily Ross from juniors and Laura Jones from freshmen year! The other two are Jessica Harwood from juniors and Abigail Evans from the older freshmen. Congratulations girls! Enjoy the rest of your day.

The class applauded for me and Elizabeth and when I was walking back to my seat, Josh grabbed my wirst. "What did I tell you? Congratulations, Laura. You deserve it." I just nodded my head and continued walking to my desk. From all of the sides were coming congratulations to me and so I turned around to the fifth row where Elizabeth sat.

"Congratulations, Elizabeth." I smiled but she leaned towards me and hugged me. She's so friendly it makes me smile. I really want to be friends with her, more than I ever wanted. 

Anyway, we didn't study anything after the anouncment. Hayley spoke up just 10 minutes before the class ended and Mr. Adams had gave us the space to talk and prepare for the next period. I stood up and walked to Josh. 

"Okay, so can we talk about it?" 

"Not here. Meet you at the school entrance. No one is usually there so we can talk about it, alright?"

"Of course." I nodded and sat on his desk, turning my attention to Mr. Adams who started talking again.

"Before the bell rings I want to tell you few things so you hear me since it's my obligation to tell you as a teacher, and also as your homeclass teacher, that this Friday is a homecoming ball that you all should come to whether you take a partner or not. It's starting at 7:30pm in the main gymnasium. As all of the schools, also we do have a judge full of teachers that choose the prince and princess of the ball. And it would be my pleasure to see you all there." I couldn't miss that all the girls were turning their attention to Josh but he was looking at me. 

"Let's go." He said when the bell rang and I knew what this was about so I followed him to the main entrance. 

Few of the girls we met tried to ask Josh for the homecoming ball but he said no to everyone. I wonder why? Wasn't it a cup of his tea or he just had a date already? I could already imagine him in the tuxedo but I can't really imagine Josh dancing with anyone. 

"So what is it about?" I asked him. 

"It's really hard to talk about it so just please promise me that you won't tell to anyone. You can't." I just nod so he continues talking. "I don't know how should I start or what should I say because it's the first time I ever get to talk it off or tell it to anyone. The thing is that I really like you, Laura and I wish I could be with you but I can't. Not when I'm the way I am." 

"What do you mean?" he confuses me a lot lately. 

"I guess that your friend, Ryan has told you that I'm dangerous for you, hasn't he?" I slowly nodded suspiciously and curiously looking into his eyes. "He's right. He's the only one that knew about this dark side of me and I'm not really proud at it, when we used to be bestfriends he figured it out. The thing is that I'm really moody and it takes out the insidious and dangerous parts in me and I kind of, always want to hurt people you know. I already killed a person are their friends are coming after me all the time. It's not something I can affect. It just happens, you know. It's a brutal thing and I never cared about it until I met you. I'm worried that sometimes I could actually brutally hurt you and that's why you need to stay away from me, Please." 

Wow so Josh was a mentally disabled boy with the tendency to brutaly hurt anyone in his close just so he could feel better. He also mentioned he killed someone. Can anyone explain this to me? He doesn't even seem to be that person he says he is. 

"I don't care what you did in the past or how many people you've hurt or if you ever killed anyone, Josh. I want to help you. I want to be there for you when you need it, please let me do it because I want it. I might help you." 

"No. I don't want you to do anything about it. I don't want you to get hurt too. I want you to be happy and you could never be happy with me. I'm a bad person, Laura. I don't deserve you. Go find a better boy. Please just stay away from me."

"Okay fine. I'll stay away from you but just for one condition." I say giving him a begging smile. 

"What is it?" 

"You let me act like nothing has happened like you never sent me the note but we will go to the homecoming ball together and then I'll try to forget about you. Deal?"

He smiled. "Deal, ms. Jones. So we are pretending like nothing has happened until the homecoming ball ends?" 

"That's exactly what I said!" 

He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder and we started walking to the next class. Everyone was sending me jealous and hateful looks and I couldn't help but smile about it. It was good to know how far we can go even there is still the fact that I have to forget by Saturday. I don't think I could ever make it like this. Let's give it a try. Let's give it all a try. 

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