chapter five.

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whoa, hi. i hope you still remember me. 

Being a member of a band is hard, especially when spotlights are finally shining on your band and new fans are coming in every single day. Calum wasn't expecting this when they were sitting in science class, thinking out a name for the three boys that weren't so cheesy and typical of teenagers who wanted to drop out of school to be rockstars. It's also difficult when you start to notice that the little parts of your normal, private life is slowly becoming a part of the public's routine and it's no longer something that you stick with when there's constant changes around you. Calum noticed this after the Truth or Dare game and the multiple interviews they've had about it, the ones that were originally about their upcoming singles and the albums they're writing for, but the topic soon turned into questions of When will they see Luke Hemmings again? Are they ever going to see him? Is he going to be a part of the picture now? Those were something the three boys didn't think about, and if they were honest; that's Calum's business and it shouldn't matter or be a worry to anyone but himself. But hey, that's the media world for you.

And no, the dare wasn't just for publicity or for them to be on covers of magazines and gain more fame. Calum was genuinely interested and that was quite an excuse for him to actually be a normal person again, or feel like one because it's almost like a permission slip for him to actually get a date. He didn't care if Luke was a boy, nor did their fans for a matter of fact, they seem to like having Luke in the picture. Talking to Luke was quite enjoyable, he seemed like a friend you'd be more than happy to hang around because he would always find something fun to do. And this made Calum less anxious because that means he doesn't have to plan so much ahead, maybe they can just come up with cool ideas along the way - that's always the best way to do most things. 

So that was Calum's plan. This weekend; the first time they're given a break of weeks of preparing for their next tour and more writing with other bands and amongst themselves, and Calum was going to ask Luke out. They were going to go to a music shop, Calum wasn't sure if that's something that would work out well but everyone likes music so he's got his fingers crossed. Plus, he wanted to look at some new bass guitars, and maybe Luke could be helpful at that.

At 7pm, after getting back from dinner with the crew and having their manager drop them off at their flat, Calum crashed on the sofa and pulled out his phone from the black pullover hoodie he's been wearing and pulling off throughout the day. He logged on to Twitter and it wasn't surprised to see the notifications and messages flooding in. He scrolled through most of them, laughing at the funny things the fans has tweeted and following the ones that were spamming, then went to his direct messages. Then he typed Luke Hemmings into the search bar and the first result came up, exactly who he needed to talk to. 

'hey, it's Calum. we haven't talked for a week or so, the band has been busy hehe sorry. i was wondering if you were free this weekend, maybe then we can finally hang out?' 

The three sentences were sent, after long pauses of Calum reading it over and over and making sure there were no typos or anything that would make himself look like a fool. Proofreading was always the key to not embarrassing yourself, learning that lesson for himself was not easy. 

A couple of minutes after the message has been sent and after tweeting about how long their day was, Calum set his phone down and heading to the kitchen where his two best friends were. Michael was sitting at the dinner table, where he rested his chin on his left hand and the other held his phone. He was on an app to order some food; pizza to be specific. While Ashton was struggling with his big hands to open a pouch of Caprisun.

"Poking a plastic straw through a hole cannot be that hard," Laughed Calum as he watched his friend. Michael let out a small chuckle from the short distance, and Ashton looked up to glare at the two boys. 

"You should get your own and try it," The drummer said to Calum, who shook his head and grabbed the orange juice, showing the older boy before pouring it into a glass. 

"And the food has been ordered!" Michael announced excitedly and waved his hands to the boys. "I'm going to shower, make sure you open the door when they arrive." And the sounds of footsteps speeding up the stairs echoed for the next minute, the two boys remained silent and Calum watched as Ashton was still struggling to open his drink. He decided that it wasn't worth the time anymore and set the pouch by the microwave before getting himself a bottle of water. 

"So..." Calum started, not knowing how to bring up the fact that in two days he was going to hang out with the stranger he asked out weeks ago. 

"So," Ashton repeated as he took the spot Michael sat not too long ago. 

"I messaged Luke today."

Ashton raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Finally? I mean, you chicked out after your first conversation, it's about time."

"What do you mean? I didn't chicken out on anyone." The younger boy defended himself. He didn't chicken out, he was just...scared. And being busy as he has told Luke wasn't an excuse, it was just part of the equation.

The drummer laughed. "Calum, you chickened out, mate. But don't be too scared of him, he doesn't look like he will bite." and a small smirk was added when he finished talking.

"Anyways," Calum rolled his eyes. "I've asked him to hang out this weekend, go see some new instruments with me because you both are too lazy to get off the couch and do something other than sleep."

"Hey! It's called being tired from hard work, I've earned it!" Ashton protested. "But good job, I think this will go well. You're the most experienced when it comes to this anyways." 

And even though that wasn't exactly true and he wanted to defend himself once again, Calum brushed it off and their short conversation ended. They've both sat in silence for the most part, before the doorbell rang and the both ran to open the door, because food was finally here.

i feel like my writing style has changed quite a bit and the personalities of the boys. but i don't know.. it's been five months, according to Wattpad since the last time i've updated. there's A LOT of views and votes on this, which i am very thankful for. i'm hoping this will be a constant thing now and i'll start updating more. but no promises, since i always find something else to occupy myself with lol. I hope you enjoyed this! See you in the next update! :) and I'm sorry if it's short, it's quite hard to get thoughts out of your head and putting it into words when it's been a while since you've updated and you've forgotten all the original ideas you've created in the past for the story haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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