chapter four.

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It's 12:13am and I'm really tired, but I thought it would be nice to update. I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving with your families, I'm thankful for everyone on here. And this one is short, and I promise the next one will be better, and with more words. Hahah, enjoy! (And I just realized that the last time I updated an actual chapter was September 27th, so I apologize!!!) 

The band members were packed into one car, they were heading home after the gig. Calum sat between Michael and Ashton, listening to his own music. 

This day has been crazy, far from what the band has imagined. First, the amount of people that decided to show up on a cloudy, freezing day to see them play a show for two hours and probably not see them again for a while. Secondly, how far they have made it and how thankful they are for being able to play these types of gigs for everyone. It may not be in huge stadiums with crazy lightings and booming speakers that would echo their voice across long distances, but it feels good to sing to a small crowd and have them sing back the words you've written. 

Furthermore, all the small events from today that will eventually add up to something big in the future. Calum was pretty sure there were already headlines and possibly worldwide Twitter trends of what happened just a couple of hours ago. Something along the lines of Calum Hood, the band 5 Seconds of Summer, a lucky fan, and maybe a mention of a blonde boy with blue eyes, who knows. Whatever what was going in the internet world, it was making Calum anxious but he didn't show any of those signs, nor did he have the courage to go on his phone and actually change.

Ashton, who sitting to Calum's right, seemed relaxed and happy about life. He had his eyes closed, headphones in, and slow hand movements on his lap which was probably something normal for drummers to do. Calum assumed maybe he was "drumming" using his hands and lap to some All Time Low song. 

Michael Clifford's head was leaning on the window of the car, his breathing fogged up the glass and he looked like he would fall asleep any second. The first five minutes of the car ride, all he did was complained about how he was going to starve to death if they don't get back to the hotel room soon, so he could order pizza. Then he imagined all the food he could devoured at that moment, and somehow one side of his face was now pressed onto the glass window and he was ready to doze off. I guess feeling hungry and complaining about it for a straight five minutes could also make you feel very tired. 

No one spoke at the moment, and if Calum was correct, they had about 30 minutes more on the high way before they reached the hotel. He wanted to talk about something, keeping his feelings bottled up would just make himself more anxious and want to scream out loud. So he did, he decided that starting a conversation would make things better for himself, even if it lasts for a couple of minutes. Anything besides the silence is fine by him.

"Michael, I don't know how I should feel right now." Calum begins, turning to Michael because he feels like Ashton wouldn't quite be in the mood to have deep talks about feelings at the moment.

His fellow band member turned to look at him, they blinked at each other for a couple of seconds before Michael clears his throat. This made Calum laugh, because it seemed as if the boy fell asleep without knowing and that kind of snapped him awake.

"What?" He questions, rubbing away the sleepiness from his eyes. 

"I'm scared, almost to the point where I'm thinking that I will regret the decision I made earlier." Calum confesses. Okay, maybe that just made things one of an eighth better than it was seconds ago. 

Michael arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Regret in what decision?" 

"Asking the random guy out, maybe it wouldn't be so scandalous if I asked his sister instead." Calum shrugged. Yeah, that just moved us half a step back, because Michael is one clueless guy. 

"Oh that, I didn't even remember. I don't think it's that big of a deal, so you shouldn't worry either." Michael says, which sounds like an advice you would typically get from Michael Clifford.

And I guess the conversation kind of drifted to an end from there. Calum didn't speak anymore, he didn't have much to say and his mind was filled with worried thoughts again. He wasn't usually the type to care this much, usually the interviews done at show would be forgotten after a few hours. But for whatever reason, this one stuck to him. Maybe it was the game, yeah probably the truth or date part, because they've never done anything like that before.

The van pulls to the hotel and there were groups of girls waiting outside, waving their albums and huge posters. The screams began when they spotted the black van approaching, which acted as an alarm clock because the three members were immediately woken up from their short naps. 

"Let's go guys, you can get more sleep in once we make it to the rooms." The driver turns his head back to see the band, putting on their jackets and pulling the hoods over their heads, tightly pulling the strings to almost the point where it covered their whole face. Calum seemed to have a frown on his face, and everyone knows what was coming. 

They got out of the car and securities were immediately there to wrap their arms protectively around the boys, making sure there were no random hands to pull them away. 

"Ashton, I love you!" "Michael, your new hair color looks amazing!" "What? But I haven't changed it for a while!" "Calum, I saw the trends on Twitter!" 

It took ten whole minutes to push away the crowds and to make it to the lobby of the hotel. The manager has checked in for the boys while they depressingly drag their lugagges to the elevator. They were all tired, feeling like their bodies were going to fall apart even though it was only early in the evening. 

Time didn't matter anyways, because they were going to spend the rest of the day sleeping until they got their energy back. Tomorrow, they have a couple of more interviews and meet and greets, so might as well take a break from the day and regain energy for the next. 

So after settling into their rooms, Michael ordered his pizza and stayed up for another hour to see a movie before falling asleep without cleaning his mess. Ashton decided to stalk more fans on Twitter, checking out the trends but decided to wait until the morning to talk to his mates, and called his family before going to bed. And Calum immediately crashed onto the bed when he entered the room. He knew tomorrow was going to be a long day, with lots of curious people to ask him questions he still wouldn't know how to answer. 

A/N: I'm sorry it took me a month to get this one super short chapter up. I know how long you guys have been waiting, and I sincerely apologize for that. School has been over my head lately, I'm behind on a lot of things and life's just been a huge struggle. But I'm not gonna put all the put on to those little things.

I just got back to writing, I was doing some reading last night of the old drafs I saved years ago and I suddenly got the inspiration to write again. It's always fun to stay up and type cheesy Cake fanfictions for you guys, anyways. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

And a massive thank you to everyone, we're almost to 400 votes, like is this real?! And not to mention, 9.3K reads, wtf guys this is crazy! So thank you so much, I love you all. See you in the next update! 

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