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Okayyy. This is my second time typing this chapter today, because Wattpad hates me and likes to delete my hardwork. Thank God I typed this chapter on my iPod and stuff before posting it. But yeahhh, I hope you enjoy this. My original author's note was way better but it doesn't really matter.

Sorry it took like a month to update just this prologue, I'm a lazy writer and writer's block sucks. And I have a reading assignment for my English class, so I'm quite busy. Buttttt yeah, I hope you'll like this short update. 


"Mummm!" Luke whines from upstairs. "Do I really have to go? I would rather be practicing with Ryan than go to meet some random boys for five minutes, and never see them again."

Luke Hemmings was currently lying on his bed, with his laptop balancing on his stomach, as he searched for different images of this new band his little sister is obsessed with. They call themselves, 5 Seconds of Summer. Luke thought it was a lame name, but teenage boys these days, they'll do anything to get the attention of little girls, with their weird band names and good looks. Luke doesn't even know why he's bother wasting his time looking up pictures of them, but somehow he's on the google images page looking at their photo shoot pictures. The only reason he's ever going to bother about them is the fact that his little sister is dragging him along with her, to their stupid meet-and-greet session in a couple of hours. His mother was out of her mind when she thought it would be a good idea to make Luke come along, apparently a twelve year old girl would still need some company going to these events.

Little girls these days, he groans to himself. Why can't they just sit at home and enjoy their music, rather than going to these unnecessary events? They're just wasting their time and money. 

"Luke, you just said it. Only a few minutes, it won't hurt." Liz told him, "this is the last time." 

"That's not what you said last month when Lucy woke me up at 2AM just to get in line with her. And you know what we lined up 3 hours? A little CD, she made me go through all of that with her just so she could be the first one to get a physical copy of their album in her hands." He said, skipping down the flight of stairs and seeing his mother sitting at the table with his sister. "You and your stupid obsession over boy bands," He gently pushed his sister's head back with his pointer finger. She frowned and grabbed his arm, planning to bite it like the last time he did that, but Luke was quick enough to pull away.

"You're just jealous you're not as talented or handsome as Michael, Ashton and Calum." She rolled her eyes and put a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. 

It was Luke's turn to roll his eyes. "Thanks for the name drop, and I don't care how handsome they are. Girls like you only like them for their looks." 

Luke doesn't think he's that bad compared to the picture of the boys he's seen earlier. I mean, he can sing and play the guitar and that's good enough. Plus, he dated a couple of girls last year and there were plenty of others out there who likes him. He's not that bad himself, it's just the popularity that he can't compare himself to. 

"I don't care, Lucy. I'm just sick of going to all these useless events," Luke sat down across from his younger sister, who frowned and began whining to their mother. 

"How would you feel if your idols were to come down here and meet you?" 

"They're not teenage boys who does that, so I wouldn't bother to even think about how I would feel," Luke replied and began munching on his toast. Lucy gave him a disgusted look as she watched her older brother eat his breakfast. She doesn't bother to waste anymore energy arguing with Luke because she knows for one thing. No matter what Luke says to his mother and how much he complains, they're going to head to that meet and greet in the end. 

Luke could feel his sister glaring at him, but he ignored it. They both say in silence, eating their breakfast and ignoring the glares that were exchanged. It wasn't long until they heard Liz called from upstairs. He didn't realized his mother has left after Lucy's little whining session. 

"Lucas! Get dressed, we're leaving in ten." He heard his mother call from her room and his sister immediately jumped from her seat and ran upstairs, leaving him behind. 

"No, I'm not going." 

"You don't have a choice!" Lucy's voice echoed from the stairs. Luke let out a long sigh, this day is going to be long.


Well, I just copy and paste it from my iPod. Lol. 

I'm a sucky writer, it's been a while since I've written something and actually post it. My goal is to have this be my first completed fanfic, cause it's been a while since I've marked something complete that's not a oneshot. Haha. 

Comment, vote, subscribe or whatever you call it on here. I get super nervous when people read my story but yeahhh. See you in the next update :D 

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