chapter one.

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okay, i lied. i'm going to change this to them just going to a little concert, rather than a meet and greet bc that'll just drag the whole chapter. 

*unedited bc i'm tired sorry*

should i write in individual point of views?


The car ride was only an hour long, but it felt like an eternity. Luke was leaning his head against the window, trying to listen to the music that was playing on the radio and blocking out Lucy's voice. She was holding a huge poster of the band, pointing at it and talking about the details of each boy as if Luke was listening. He was half of the time, maybe when the radio is playing commercials and he listened to Lucy talked about how Michael Clifford dyes his hair too much and someday he's going to be bald.

Luke knew their names and faces, he just don't know how to put those two things together. 

Liz turned down the radio right when Imagine Dragon came on, because her phone was going off, which made Luke rolled his eyes. He sighed because now, there will be two people in the car talking about things he didn't want to hear.

"Okay, here's Ashton, I think he's my favorite but I can't pick between him and Michael." Lucy rambled on. Luke gave up, this is going to end faster if he just pretended to be listening.

"Ashton laughs a lot," Lucy giggled, now moving on to the final guy on the poster. "This is Calum Hood."

"Is he Asian?" Luke asks, raising an eyebrow at the boy's appearance. Lucy didn't answer his question, instead she raised her hand and smack Luke's arm. He groaned as the pain was stinging and looked over to her.

"What was that for? I asked a question and you didn't reply!"

"That's very offensive and it's not funny!"

Luke raised an eyebrow, not understanding how his question was offensive. "What? The fact that I asked about his ethnicity?"

"Calum is not Asian!" Lucy claimed and Luke put his hands up in the air, defending himself.

"Alright then," And the conversation ended after that. The radio was put back on and the car ride continues in silence.

 (a/n: I was thinking of the iHeartRadio live stream when I wrote this and I can't describe settings so shh) 

They searched for a place to park their car near the front of a small arena. It held around 300 people. There was already a long line of girls waiting outside, holding out their posters and cardboard cut outs of their favorite's face. Lucy grabbed her bag, unbuckling her seatbelt before the car even stopped while Luke just kept his vision on what was going on outside. 

Liz finally found a spot to park for the two to get out of the car. 

"Have fun, you two!" She yelled out as Luke opens the door. He imagines himself running away right now, just leaving his sister to meet her stupid band while he finds a way home. That would work, but he would get in big trouble if he ever makes it home, so Luke just shook the thought away.

"Come on, big brother." Lucy said, dragging the taller boy towards the end of the long line. 

Everything happened so fast in the next couple of seconds, because everyone began screaming at the top of their lungs as they pointed somewhere behind Luke's head. He raised an eyebrow, questioning in his head what was happening. And he felt Lucy's grip on his wrist drop and she began to freaking out as well. 

Luke finally turns his head to see a black van, driving slowly and getting ready to park right where their mother has dropped them off just a couple of minutes ago. He had a weird look on his face and finally realizes why they were all screaming. 

Because of Calum Hood {cake au}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang