Ruin of Broken Hearts {Act 1}

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Prompt: Injured Scarlett and Tella, and Legend and Julian fighting to get them back

Sorry that I haven't been publishing lately, I've been a bit worried because I've started therapy and I'm of course, very nervous abt it.

Also TRIGGER WARNING!! Later in the chapter there's some slightly violent descriptions of murderous fantasies, so if violence and knives are sensitive to u, this might not be the chapter for you.

I hope u enjoy tho :)

   "What the hell did you do with my wife?"

   Legend turned from where he stood facing the balcony. In the early moments of  new night, the sky had spilt ink onto itself, making the blue of day disintegrate. The fluffy clouds had long gone gray to the rain that had been pouring around the city until just the last hour. Legend has always found the calm after the storm a lovely time to think. Though, he couldn't figure out if it was indeed the calm, or just the eye of the hurricane.

   "Why would I have your wife, Julian?"

Julian gave his brother a pointed look, "Becuase, Legend, it's the first night of Caraval, and you have a track record of stealing wanted women and offering them as a leverage. So excuse me if I think you hid my wife somewhere"

"And you have a track record of lying, but everytime Tella wanders you don't see me accusing you of tricking her"

"That's besides the point"

"Is it?"

Julian narrowed his eyes at his brother and let out a breath, "fine, I'll find her on my own then"

He turned to leave, his footsteps sounding loud on the dark wooden floorboards. Julian had always been the one to loose arguments sourly. Ever since they were children Legend always outsmarted him in words. When it came to lying, Julian would just have to give that smile that made women faint and he could get out of trouble. But Legend always had the upper hand, always ready.

"It has been a while since I've seen Tella, actually"

Julian turned around, "Do you think they might be with each other?"

He didn't know. Tella had always been the type to wander off. Her imagination was a gift, and something he loved about her. But some days it seemed like a nightmare. It wasn't to uncommon for her to disappear for a couple hours, but she usually told Legend where she was going and wouldn't leave for this long.

"Perhaps. But if it's the first night of Caraval...."

He thought for a long moment before it hit him harder than a blade inside a heart, "Julian, how many fates did you say left Valenda?"

Julian's eyes widened, "you don't think-"

"It's possible"


"This is ridiculous"

Legend turned towards his brother, "if you want to find your wife, shut up. I can't focus if your complaining"

"now I remember why I wanted to quit Caraval"

A bloody wind chilled up the air, moving Legends dark hair in its dance. The moon whispered around them, showing hushed tones into the river that reflected its image like a broken mirror. A Dark sky willed around them both as Legend continued to try to sense his beloved's heartbeats in the deep woods. It was the perfect place for the fates to be after all. Tress taller than giants grew up from the ground, making them look almost black in the midnight, typical fate nonsense. If Legend was right, the fates had ahold Tella and Scarlett.

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