trial 1: hello stranger

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Your Name: Park Jiah

I look down beneath me at the row of abandoned cars on the highway. I wonder what happened here. It's most likely that one person got infected in their car and caused a series of crashes like a domino effect. From there, that one person devoured another and then that person devoured another, spreading the infectious bite from person to person. My eyes glue onto an expensive BMW and I scoff, taking off my baseball cap and readjusting it on my head. If times were back to normal, people would kill to have expensive cars... Crazy how times have changed.

While staring off into the distance, I see someone running down the highway, jumping over cars, and dodging weak zombies who try to grab onto them. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing; This person was moving at an insane speed which made it hard for me to keep my eye on him. Why is he running so fast? What is he running from? I look around and see no sign of danger or another group but that was until I see two guys and a girl standing on the side watching him run.

I remember my twin brother telling me how there are immune people out there who can withstand the bite and get powers from it. I didn't know they really existed. I duck and hide behind the ledge of the bridge so they wouldn't notice me watching them. I really hope they didn't hear anything or saw me. I wonder if they have supervision or something. I peek my eyes over the ledge to see the same boy jumping on top of cars as fast as he could.

"What are we looking at?" Someone whispers beside me and I almost fall on my back. My heart jumps in anxiousness and I hold my chest. It's my dumb brother. He flicks the hat on my head and laughs.

"Jisung, don't do that jeez," I hit him and then he smiles at me. He peeks over the ledge to see the group of people below us. (a/n: this is PARK JISUNG from NCT LMAO, your twin brother since your last name is park jiah)

"Are they in trouble?" Jisung asks me and I shrug.

"They don't look to be," I say. "I think one of them is an immune like what you are talking about." Jisung's eyes grow wide in shock. We have never encountered one before. Jisung looks back at them and watches the boy travel at the speed of light.

"I hope he is a good guy," Jisung mutters, making me a little confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I think only good people should be immune," Jisung says. "It's not fair for someone with bad morals and motives to be immune." I nod my head, understanding where my brother is coming from. "We should leave them be, c'mon, Renjun got the car running," my brother informs me, standing up from the ground and walking back towards the car.

Before I got up, I give the group of people one last, good look, observing them carefully. They look about my age. I wonder where they're from. They don't look like floaters, they seem to be from a community. My group is the type to mind their own business. "Floaters" are what we call ourselves. We don't like big groups or joining large communities because we feel that in some way they're corrupt and suspicious. We've been fine with just being a small group together. It gives us more power to make our own decisions. Whenever we encountered others, it's either we avoid them or fight them. It's hard for us to have this mentality sometimes but the last time we had trust in an outsider, bad things happened, but that's for another story.

"Guess what?" Jisung says as we enter the car. Renjun is in the driver's seat and looks back at us. My best friend, Lee Jena, who is one of our friends' sister is with us. "We saw an immune."

"Like an actual one?" Jena asks in surprise.

"How?" Renjun asks. "What did they look like?"

"They look like any other ordinary person except they were running like super-fast," Jisung explains.

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