trial 8: slump

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Felix's POV

I run my finger gently over her scars and stare at them, feeling my eyes soften the more I look at how embarrassed she is by them. These people are horrible. She didn't deserve any of this. I feel my heart sink as I feel the coarse lines on her forearm. Jiah opens her eyes and looks into mine, our faces only inches apart. I look down at her lips and feel my heart beat faster.

"Jiah," I hear and remove my hands from her arms and look away to see her brother and Chenle. Jiah clears her throat. "There you are. I got scared for a second," Jisung says.

"Where are you guys going?" Chenle eyes us. I look at Jiah who seems a little shaken up.

"She's not coming with me," I say, knowing that she was trying to stop me from leaving. Jiah glances at me defeated that she can't change my mind.

"Then where are you going?" I hear a familiar voice and see Jeongin and Changbin showing up beside Jisung and Chenle. Jeongin knows I'm not allowed to leave and will make sure I won't.

"Are you not worried about our friends?" I ask them.

"Felix, these are the people who raided SM," Changbin says. "I am worried about them but we shouldn't act reckless," I sigh,  knowing that Changbin is right.

"Listen to your friends, Felix," Chenle advises me. I look down at Jiah who nods as well with a sad look in her eye.

"Hyunjin and Hana are both halfies, they will get out of it together somehow," Jeongin hopes. I hope so too. I sigh and let go of the car door.

"Just give Jinyoung more time," Changbin tells me. "If they don't come back by tomorrow then I'll ask Jihyo to let us go after them."


I remember the last conversation I had with Hana before I left with Changbin to go get the rest of Jiah's group. It was about my powers and Hyunjin and I left the two together.

"Remember those files that Young K found years ago while you guys were saving me and Sungjin from JYP? Maybe it says something in there."

Hana reminded me of those binders full of information about all of us that JYP had when he used to run this place and test us. Everyone was already asleep and I usually just roam the halls at night when I want to clear my head. I go upstairs to where most of the leaders of our council sleep like Jinyoung, Jae, and Jihyo. I try to recall where those files would be and then realize that Jinyoung probably has them stowed away in his drawers. I'm not supposed to be snooping around upstairs but I couldn't help but keep my mind off Hana and try to force it onto something else.

I make it to Jinyoung's room and try to open the door but see that it is locked. I take out a paper clip that I always have and start picking the lock and hear a click. The door opens and I quickly enter inside so no one sees or hears me.

"Files, files," I mutter to myself and then see Jinyoung's desk and start searching.

I snoop around and then see a red envelope in one of the drawers that I open up which was hiding under a pile of papers. I curiously open the letter.

"Give us the girl or we attack," I read aloud.

This was the letter that Wonpil was talking about. The one from the YG group. I continue looking more and opening more drawers until I reach a file bin. Jackpot! I see that they are alphabetically ordered and start searching in the "L" batch.

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