trial 9: miroh

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double post for this cuz i forgot to post for this book LOL

Jiah's POV

I squirm in my bed, slowly feeling my mind wake up as I smell the morning air. I open my eyes, squinting a little just to see a body on the ground with headphones on. I tilt my head and rub my eyes.

"F-Felix?" I say in a croaky voice and watch him turn with a small smile.

"Good morning," he says cutely, taking off his headphones and letting them hang around his neck.

"You stayed here all night?" I question, shocked that he stayed after I fell asleep.

"You said you get nightmares easily so in case you had another I wanted to be here to wake you up," Felix says and I feel my heart flutter.

"Aw," I let out a soft smile. I remember the last thing Felix mentioned before I fell asleep was that he wanted to tell me something. "You said..." I yawn a little. "You wanted to tell me something but then I fell asleep. Was it important?" I ask. Felix pauses and then slowly shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it. It was just my dumb blabber," Felix tells me which makes me frown a little. I hope he isn't lying.

"Jiah! Are you awake?" I hear my brother and immediately sit up and look at Felix who is not supposed to be in my room or else Jisung will kill me.

"Uh, yeah," I say in a startled voice.

"Come get breakfast, we're waiting for you!" I hear Jaemin and then slap my face.

"Okay, I'll be out in a few. You guys can go ahead of me," I tell them so that they won't see Felix.

Felix's POV

"That's not very Jiah of her," I hear Jaemin whisper to Jisung. "She jumps when food is mentioned," I chuckle a little, making Jiah curious and glance at me. I hide my smile and then hear her friends leave.

"They're gone," I tell her and she nods as I slowly stand and stretch. She bites her lip as I adjust the headphones around my neck.

"What were you listening to all night?" Jiah asks and I smile. I show her my CD player and take out the CD.

"Some jazz music," I reveal, surprising Jiah.

"Jazz?" She questions and I nod. "That's different," she smiles a little, making my cheeks turn red. "A good different," she compliments me as if she was recalling what I told her last night even though she was sleeping. I raise my eyebrows in shock but don't mention anything about last night.

"Uh... I should go see Jihyo," I stutter after realizing my whole face was getting hotter the longer I stared at her.

"I'll see you out there," she says to me. "If you're leaving," She says before I head out the door. "Let me know, please," she says shyly and I smile.

"I will," I say, knowing that she knows I will probably go find Hana and Hyunjin.

Instead of meeting Jihyo in her room, I see her talking to Wonpil who looks worried. I notice his foot is wrapped and he has crutches with him because of his gunshot from the YG group. I walk over to them knowing that neither Jinyoung nor Hana have returned back.

"You ready to go?" Jihyo greets me and I can already tell by her face that it's urgent. I nod. "Good, you will leave soon," she tells me. "You'll be going to the YG safe zone but I don't think you can reason with them this time. I don't know where Jinyoung and the rest of them are but our original plan was to try to talk to them but obviously, if they're not back, they're in trouble too," Jihyo explains.

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