trial 2: zone

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Jiah's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Renjun asks as the rest of our group follows us with their backpacks and weapons.

"As much as I know we hate safe zones and large communities, it's just for one night. Once we get back on our feet, we'll leave and go back home." I look in front of us at the new group that we just met with the immune. I sigh and adjust my cap on my head.

"Hopefully we won't be held captive there," Jisung whispers and I hit him to be polite. "What happened to the 'i hate the world' mindset, Jiah?" Jisung teases me. Jeez, sometimes brothers are not the best.

"Let me reiterate, I hate all of the bad things in the world," I correct him.

"Ji, these boys are kind of cute," Jena whispers to me and I hit her again on the shoulder, gesturing to her boyfriend who is right there. Renjun smiles at me.

"Thank you, Jiah," Renjun says and I laugh.

"You're the cutest one here," Jena says to Renjun to make up for her comment.

"No more boys for Jiah," Jisung says to protect me. The last time I dated a boy was back at the safe zone we used to live in a long time ago. Let's just say it didn't end well which is why we hate communities and are floaters. "I'll make sure of it," Jisung says. I sigh, feeling a little awkward that the topic of conversation is my love life.

We arrive at a large hospital with barbed wire fences all around it. My mouth drops by how clean and secure it looks. Jena links her arm with mine knowing that I'm a shy person who gets pretty anxious around others. We notice music playing from inside and a crowd of people dancing which makes us confused. This is a different type of safe zone. Usually, they're really quiet or serious but this environment is very different. We pass through the gates and down towards the entrance of the Hospital. A sign in big letters read, "The Sanctuary". Kind of

"Here we are," the tall one with a scary look says to us. "We'll talk to our leader and he will decide if you guys are allowed inside," We all nod.

"I just realized we never introduced ourselves," the girl says, now her face is a little softer. "I'm Wonyoung."

"Jeongin," the one with the face of a fox says.

"Hyunjin," the tall one says.

"Felix," the immune says. I keep my eyes on the freckled-face boy for a while before looking away. He's very intriguing.





"Jisung?" Jeongin questions and Jisung nods. He gives his friends a smile and they all return it as if they're holding back laughter.

"This is going to be confusing," Hyunjin mutters.

"We have a friend named Jisung here too," Felix explains and we all nod, getting their joke.

"We hope you aren't as much of a clown as he is," Hyunjin says and his friends laugh.

"We'll be right back," Wonyoung says and links arms with Hyunjin as they walk inside while Felix and Jeongin stay behind. They must be a couple.

"So why are there so many people dancing over there?" Renjun asks, just as curious as we are. Felix and Jeongin laugh a little which lightens the tension. I smile at their laugh.

"That's our weekly community gathering," Felix explains.

"We like to have little parties here and there," Jeongin says.

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