trial 7: who

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TW: sexual assault, self harm

Jiah's POV

We arrive back at the Sanctuary and notice that it is taking awfully long for the people to open the gates. Changbin rings the bell again and looks through the gate.

"Where is Jinyoung?" Changbin sighs, making all of us anxious.

"Does he usually take long to open the gate?" Jeno asks and we look at Changbin and Felix who both shake their heads. Finally, we hear the gates open and see two girls on the other side.

"Chaeryeong? Lia? Where's Jinyoung?" Changbin asks but they both look a little shaken and uneasy.

I feel goosebumps on my skin by their faces and could tell that something bad has happened. Of course, something horrible happens when we come back.

"Uh, Jinyoung out looking for Hana, Hyunjin, and Wonyoung," Lia explains.

"What happened?" Felix seems very concerned.

He must be really close to them. I remember Hyunjin and Wonyoung from when they lead us back here to the Sanctuary but I only heard of Hana a few times around here. I saw her talking to Felix and Changbin a few times and I think she was with Hyunjin when that whole scene happened with Lucy.

"Well, Jinyoung didn't say much," Chaeryeong begins to speak. "He just said that they should've been grounded from leaving and it was past curfew for them to be out."

"Wait, they disappeared last night?" Changbin questions with fear. I glance up at my twin brother who looks equally confused and worried. Chaeryeong and Lia both nod. They draw their attention over to my group who is idly standing behind Felix and Changbin quietly.

"Uh, I assume you guys are the newcomers' friends?" Lia asks and looks at all of us. We all nod and she sighs. "Jinyoung usually would interview you guys and make sure you all are safe to come in but I guess I could send you over to Jihyo," Lia offers. Changbin and Felix nod in agreement.

I notice Felix and Changbin seem very worried and distracted by what their friends have informed them and start to feel a sense of unsafety myself. We drive through the gates and down towards the hospital where Lia and Chaeryeong bring us to Jihyo who is on the second floor, talking to the doctor of the Sanctuary.

"Hi, Jihyo," Chaeryeong politely interrupts them. I glance at Felix and notice his hands shaking in distress.

"Oh, good, you two are back," Jihyo looks away from the doctor and at Changbin and Felix.

"Yes, do you know exactly what happened to Hana and Hyunjin?" Felix asks worriedly.

"I just talked to Wonpil about it and he told me that Jinyoung got a weird letter from outside the gates a few days ago," the doctor explains.

"Who is this guy?" Jaemin whispers to me and I shrug, not knowing myself but then Felix interrupts us.

"This is Jae, our medic," Felix informs us and I nod at him, thankful that he still took the time to tell me.

"What did the letter say?" Changbin asks.

"Give us the girl or we attack," Jae explains.

"The girl as in Hana?" Felix questions and Jae nods.

"I would assume so," Jae says.

"Jinyoung left with Jisung, Sana, Jaehyun, Momo, and Taeyong to go get them back," Jihyo tells us. That sounds like a pretty strong group even though I don't know who any of them are.

"Who are these people you brought along?" Jae asks, looking at me. Felix stands in front of me instead of beside me this time.

"They're from the small group we found a few days ago. We need you to interview them," Felix looks at Jihyo. Jihyo nods, knowing that she is second-in-command if Jinyoung is absent. Before Jihyo takes the rest of my friends to ask them questions, Felix takes a second to ask her something.

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