trial 6: glow

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Felix's POV

I plop onto my bed after talking to Jiah and feel a sense of ecstasy thinking about her but for some reason, I also feel something under me. I sit up and see Changbin in my bed under the covers. I hit Changbin, making him wake up and rub his eyes.

"What are you doing in my room?" I question.

"I was waiting for you but then fell asleep," Changbin yawns. "Speaking of waiting, where were you?" I smile at his question.

"I was in the study," I say, not mentioning Jiah.

"And why were you in the study?" Changbin questions, half awake.

"I was... I was talking to Jiah," I say shyly. Suddenly, Changbin's eyes open wide and his posture straightens.

"Jiah?" Changbin's eyes wriggle as he scoots towards me. "Tell me everything," Changbin bats his eyes and I laugh.

"Nothing happened, we just talked," I say. shaking my head by his thoughts.

"Talked about what?" Changbin asks.

"Me, her, Lucy," I recall, and Changbin becomes even more intrigued.

"You didn't tell her about Lucy's secret right?" Changbin eyes me.

"Never," I say. "She's cool though," I say and daydream a little.

"I knew it," Changbin smirks.

"Knew what?" I ask, looking back at him.

"When I saw you talking to them before I knew you thought one of them was cute," Changbin smiles. "Good thing it was the one without a boyfriend."

"Why did I agree for you to come with me?" I ask myself out loud, making Changbin hit me.

Jiah's POV

The next day, I wake up early and go check on the guys. I knock on the door and Felix opens it revealing his bare chest. My eyes grow wide after seeing his abs and I cover my face with my arms.

"Sorry," I apologize and try to get the image out of my brain but it is super hard to because he's ripped. I feel my face get hot and Felix laughs, while putting on his shirt.

"You're good, you can look now," Felix tells me with his coarse voice. I clear my throat and slowly remove my arms from my eyes, readjusting to the bright light. My flushed cheeks remain.

"I- I was just going to tell you guys that we're about to leave soon," I say.

"Okay, we'll be out in a bit," Felix smiles, and I nod. I run over to Jena's room who is still packing and notices my red cheeks.

"What's with the blush, Ji?" Jena smirks, stopping what she is doing to look at me.

"Felix is ripped," I whisper in surprise. Jena's eyes grow wide.

"YOU SAW HIM SHIRT-" Jena yells and I rush over to cover her mouth so no one can hear. I remove my hand after she calms down and her voice lowers. "You saw him SHIRTLESS?" She says in a lower voice. I bite my lip and nod, remembering his abs. Jena hits my arms in excitement. "Girl! You cannot pass up on him. PLEASE don't be stupid," Jena begs me. I sigh, smiling a little as I think about Felix.

"We... I can't!" I say.

"Look, it's been how long since you dated someone?" Jena questions. "I know you feel something for him cause your face gets super red and you tend to wear your baseball cap less," Jena points out. It is true that when I get distracted by other things, I forget to wear my baseball cap or just don't feel like wearing it. I tap my head and realize I'm not wearing it and sigh in defeat.

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