volume 1 chapter 18 (season finally part 3): out in the open part 3

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(I do not own any of these characters, pictures, songs, and properties. Please go support the owners and original creators of these properties in characters.)

(Y/N) POV and narration

After i wake up from my lovely night with neo, she told me everything that will happen in 2 days. I thought it will be easy to take on the WF and Roman with ease until she brought up something that will change everything. Whoever hired Roman gave him some demon guards. So........ I will need help

(Y/N) walks into the the shared dorm with neo.

(Y/N): girls I'm home-

Girlfriends: WHERE WERE YOU!?!?!

(Y/N): I was hanging out with neo.

Yang: who's neo?

All you do is move out of the way so they can see neo who was behind you. She then waves at them hello.

Ruby: (appears in front of neo) hi neo I'm ruby!

Neo on phone: hello everyone!

Glynda: is she...

You shake your head yes which answers her question.

Pyrrha: so what's the reason you brought her here?

(Y/N): well can all of you sit down.

After they sit down me and neo told them about what will be happening in 2 days. After we brought up the WF Blake had a sad look but surprisingly Weiss was the one to comfort her which made you happy. You guys continued and told them the rest and after hearing everything they were ready but one question made you scared.

Yang: one question how does she know all this?

(Y/N): well she kinda.... Works for him...

Girlfriend's: WHAT

neo on phone: but i don't want to anymore. That's why I'm helping my senpai~

Girlfriends: senpai?

(Y/N): she's........ A yandere......

Girlfriend's: oh....

Yang: so what's the plan?

(Y/N): well just like the night me and glynda meet ruby the moment they see a huntsmen like glynda they will probably just up and leave and also you are pregnant and i don't want the baby to kick which will lead to you accidentally throwing us into the water.

Glynda: ok but should i tell ozina?

(Y/N): tell her last minute so there is no chance of her stopping us.

Glynda: I'm not surprised.

(Y/N): ok ruby, Weiss, nora, and rin i want you to scope around vale before heading to. The doc's to make sure that there are not others hiding as backup.

Weiss: on it.

(Y/N): so me, Blake, yang, pyrrha, and Jane will watch the and keep them there so you all can come in time also neo if we fail i want you to still pretend your working for Roman.

????: what about me?

Then you look to the side and see the same money faunus from yesterday.

The war of the Multiverse's starts on remnemt (OP M reader x rwby harem) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now