Chapter 1: Is This A Dream?

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"Slap!" A cool hard and callused hand slammed into my cheek forcing me to wake up.

"What the hell?" I opened my eyes and strained to see. My cheek stinging I went to raise my hand up to sooth the already forming bruise. Looking down my arms came into focus. They were tied down, from what I could see to a chair. Shaking myself back into reality I tried to take in my surroundings. A motel room, strike that, a tacky motel room loomed in front of me. Two full size beds from what I could see, and the bathroom behind. I could tell because of the smell of cleaner and mold. The curtains were open blinding me momentarily while my eyes adjusted to the light. "How did I get here?" No answer. "Why did you take me?" Again no answer. "Seriously I don't put out so you're going to have to take it from me if you want it!" I gritted my teeth in anger.

"Whoa, we got a feisty one here Sammy!" A gruff voice came from behind me.

"Come on Dean. Have some compassion." A tall lanky man emerged from the shadows created by the sunlight. His hair was longer just touching his chin. His features chiseled, but still boyish.

I blinked my eyes trying to get a better look at him. "Why did you kidnap me?" I could feel tears welling up into my blue eyes. He looked at me for a few seconds. I couldn't tell if he was going to slap me again or if he actually was feeling sorry for me. "Seriously sir, I don't have any money. Please let me go."

"Oh no Sammy! Don't you dare? She is a demon. Demons lie. They lie all the time." The gruff voice came from behind me again.

"Sammy?" I questioned out loud. "Sammy?"

"Yes that's my name. Look we don't want to hurt you ok." He was kneeling in front of me now with a very serious look on his face.

"The Hell We Don't." another man a little shorter then the one kneeling in front of me came into my view. His hair was a dusty blonde. Even though he was shorter his stature was larger. His flannel shirt tugged at his arms a little.

"Dean?" I questioned out loud again.

The shorter man spun and was starring now his hazel eyes questioning me, "How the hell did you know that?" His voice was angry and defensive.

"Dean, chill. I said your name out loud like five seconds ago. She probably just remembered that." Sam threw Dean an evil look. Dean grumbled as he watched me warily. He crossed over towards the window and closed the curtains, dimming the light in the room.

Sammy was still kneeling in front of me now with a reassuring smile on his face. "Would you like a glass of water?" He patted my leg. I nodded, my throat suddenly feeling dry and sore.

"Demons don't need water Sammy." Dean was leaning against the door to the room with his arms crossed.

"Dean just because she COULD be a demon doesn't mean we can't start out by being nice." Sam responded through gritted teeth. Dean rolled his eyes but didn't move.

My body began to shake with the stress of the situation. I couldn't remember where I had been before this, probably lost my memory because of the shock of the situation. Why had they kidnapped me? Why? I started to panic, my breathing sped up, I started to hyperventilate.

"Your pet is freaking out Sammy." Dean was examining his nails now perfectly calm.

"WHY DID YOU KIDNAP ME!?" I screamed releasing the tension in my body. Consciousness started to slip again. I felt the sweet release of black as I passed out.

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