Chapter 27 Summons

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"Really?" Amy's voice screeched, "Castiel is your uncle?"

I nodded my head, "Unfortunately yes."

Amy snickered, "SO you're telling me that Castiel, THE HOT Castiel is your uncle?"

I made a face at her, "Hot? Ok I wouldn't go that far!"

She laughed again, "Oh Puhlease you totally went that far! Remember that episode were we found out about the body Castiel had taken over?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

I immediately started to blush, "I have no current recollection about that episode."

Sam snickered now too, "So what is he? Your number 3?"

"Ha Ha Ha very funny guys! Am I the only one that remembers that we have to stop the apocalypse tonight?" I crossed my arms defensively across my chest.

Sam threw his hands up, "Oh no one forgot you uncle lover!" Amy burst into laughter falling back onto the bed. Sam followed suit holding his stomach with his hands.

I stood silently watching them. "I'm glad you guys think this is so funny!"

Amy looked at me her face red with laughter, "Uncle Lover, that's a good one!" She snorted and collapsed back onto the bed.

Anger started to seep into my consciousness. I breathed in deep trying to calm myself down. My memory was gone how was I supposed to know? I thought to myself. When I felt my hellfire blade materialize at my side I knew it was time to get some air. I turned on my heel and headed towards the door.

Sam sat straight up, "Where are you going?" His voice breathless from laughter.

"Getting some air." I grumbled as I walked through the door frame outside. I could hear him starting to protest but I ignored it.

I starred up at the night sky, the stars like diamonds. I let the cool air of the night waft across my cheeks calming me down. I breathed in, the smell of a freshly sown field and no pollution. I let my muscles loosen and I opened my mind to my surroundings. The sounds of mice scurrying and night birds chirping filled my mind.

"Creak." I spun around my body in a ready position to attack.

Sam smiled, "Sorry! Just me, I wanted to make sure you're ok." Amy followed sheepishly behind him.

"Yeah, I don't know why I thought that was so funny. I guess I just needed to laugh." She shrugged her apology.

I stood up the last of my anger leaving me in a rush, "I know laughing would feel good right now." I managed a smile.

Just then the soft wind changed direction. The smell of fields no longer there replacing itself with a harsh sulfuric smell. Amy waved her hand in front of her nose, "Ok did someone fart? It smells like rotten eggs out here!"

I could see Sam tense. I felt it too, not only had the smell of the air changed but the density too. "Sam." My voice held a warning.

He glanced my direction, "I know. Who do you think it is?"

I crouched scanning the parking lot of the motel, "It can't be Ruby or Malachi. It's too close to midnight for them to be here."

Amy looked from Sam to me in confusion, "Um what's happening?"

A high pitched squeal sliced through the air like a knife through flesh. Sam's hands went immediately to his ears. "What is that?"

Amy starred in confusion, "Why are you covering your ears?"

Sam collapsed to his knees, "Don't you hear that?" He grunted in pain doubling over still holding his ears. I could see small droplets of blood on the concrete below him.

I walked calmly over to Amy and grabbed her arm. She looked at me confused, "Look Amy I can't explain now, but I need you to go back into the motel room."

"Why?" She asked looking down at Sam who was whimpering now.

"We're being summoned." She looked at me confusion still evident in her eyes. "Sam and I are being summoned. I don't know how they found us, but I need you to go back into the motel room. Grab that cross I gave you." She still looked confused. "Grab the cross and start saying the Lord's Prayer. You know it right?" She nodded yes. "Don't worry about us. I'll make sure we get back in time to help Erica, Julia and Dean I promise."

She turned to walk back into the motel the screeching getting louder. She paused at the door and looked back to me, "Where are you going?"

I managed a smile despite the fear rising in my stomach, "Trust me Ames, you don't want to know." She nodded putting her full trust in me and headed back into the room. I knelt next to Sam. "Sammy!" I shook him, no response. "SAMMY you have to listen to me."

He moved his head so that he could see me, pain still racking his body. "Sam we don't have much time. Do you still have the cross I gave you on?" He nodded yes to me. The screeching was getting to be unbearable, even to me. "Good. Now we're being summoned. I need you to hold on to me. Whatever you do don't let go." Confusion filled his eyes now but he nodded yes. I tried to rub the blood that was trickling out of his nose down his chin.

Sam looked up at me again, "Where?" he managed to push out despite his pain.

I shook my head at him, "Not sure. I have a good idea but I'm not sure. That's why you have to promise you'll hold on to me." A tear slid down his cheek and he nodded yes. "I promise you Sam. I'll make sure we both come out of this in one piece." He nodded again.

The wind got stronger, surrounding us with the smell of sulfur. I closed my eyes. "Burning flesh. SHIT!" Sam's eyes got wider. "Sam I think we're going to hell."

Sam looked up at me his eyes, yellow. I held my breath and tried to touch his mind with my, "Hold on Sammy. Hold on." He nodded.

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