Chapter 40 Distractions

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"Dude you made her a bear?" Sam squeaked at Dean, "Undo it!"

Dean made a face at Sam, "I'm not a witch Sam. She's some sort of shape shifter. Or werebear, I'm not sure."

Amy giggled, "HA! She's such a bear when she wakes up in the morning. But geez I didn't think that literally!"

I shot her a bad look, "Not now Amy." She shrugged and turned her face serious. I turned my attention back to Dean, "How did you know?"

He smiled, "I heard a voice."

"A voice?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yep, a voice."

"Male or female?" I furrowed my brow at him and idea forming in my head.

"Female." He looked at me funny.

"Thanks mom." I muttered under my breath.

A loud roar ripped from the bear's lips again drawing our attention back to her. Malachi was backed into a corner just barely avoiding Julia's large paws. Castiel was crouched over Erica with one hand hovering over the injured spot on her stomach. A faint glow came from his hand and Erica sat up with a gasp.

"Erica." Amy called and started to run towards her. I reached my hand out and grabbed the back of her shirt stopping her.

"No, stay here Castiel has her." I barked the order in a loud voice.

The screams of demons echoed around us as Julia started on a rampage of terror. The sounds of crunching bones and death came fast. I scanned the crowd for Malachi and Ruby, they were no where. Castiel helped Erica over to where Dean and Sam stood her face turning the normal flesh color it was supposed to be. Amy rushed over to Erica and hugged her hard, Erica accepting without hesitation. Scanning the room for threats I made my way over to them. Erica slugged me hard in the arm.

"Ouch." I rubbed the spot where she had hit me. "What pray tell was that for?"

Erica smiled looking more and more like her normal self, "It took you long enough!" Sam and Dean chuckled at her greeting.

Castiel tapped me on the shoulder, "This isn't over." His face was stoic again, never a good sign.

The screams of terror had left the sanctuary and were headed out of the church. Julia entered in still as a bear and trotted over to us. She was gorgeous. Her fur was a sandy blonde like her hair and her blue green eyes shown out where black ones should have been. She nuzzled up against me making me fall on my butt. A feeling of dread still filled me. This wasn't over.

"Someone will have to sacrifice today." A deep low male voice sounded through my head causing me to shutter. I looked up and met Dean's hazel eyes. A look of recognition hit him; he had heard the voice too.

"Uh guys." Amy cleared her throat.

"What?" we all asked in unison.

She put her hands firmly on her hips, "Why are we just standing around waiting to be killed. Let's get out of here."

Sam laughed as he walked up to Julia stoking her soft fir, "Good distraction Julia." She shimmied in pleasure and growled softly.

I looked at Castiel, "How does she turn back?"

"That's up to her." He said as he took his place next to me.

I turned my attention back to Julia, "Hey sis, I love the bear costume, don't get me wrong, but could you change back?"

The large bear swung her head from side to side in a "no" answer.

I flicked her large ear, "Could you at least change into something less threatening?"

This time the large bear grinned showing all her sharp teeth. With the sounds of cracking bones and ripping muscles Julia shifted again, this time into a small Jack Russell terrier. She barked at us and jumped around excitedly.

"Wow." Amy murmured

"Yeah." Erica agreed, "She looks just like Jinx."

I smiled remembering our childhood dog. My face turned serious again, "Look Jules, quit messing around and shift back into a human."

The dog barked at me and grabbed my pant leg.

"Seriously Julia what's the issue? Don't tell me you can't shift back." I swatted her away.

She shook her doggy head no and barked.

Sam laughed out loud.

"What?" I asked getting angry

He calmed down just enough to speak, "Oh I bet if she shifts back she'll be naked."

Dean snorted, "Oh come on. That's not how it works?" His attention turned to Castiel who nodded yes.

"Oh great." I slapped my forehead. "Castiel give me your trench coat." He obeyed giving me a dirty look. "Will this work?"

The small Jack Russell terrier barked and jumped. She then took off towards a shadowy part of the sanctuary. Bones cracking and muscles tearing again I could faintly see Julia's form through the shadows. I walked over and handed her the jacket.

"Thanks." She said quickly covering up. She came out of the shadows looking sheepish and shy.

"No problem lil sis." I embraced her in a tight hug.

"ARGH." Her voice was muffled. "I can't breath."

I let her go and ruffled her hair. "Good job." Then I slugged her arm, "Why didn't you tell me you could shift into an animal?"

She shrugged, "I guess I didn't know until Dean" she pointed towards him, "told me I could."

"Why a bear?" Erica piped up from behind Castiel.

Julia's eyes hit the floor, "You guys will laugh."

"No we won't." Everyone responded.

She crossed her arms and looked me straight in the eyes, "Umm I was super scared before Dean found us."

I nodded for her to continue.

"And well when he did find us to make me feel better he kept doing an impression of Yogi Bear." I threw a look at Dean who had turned a deep shade of red. Julia continued, "So I turned into Yogi Bear, I mean I looked like him didn't I?"

I smiled, "Yes you did sis." I heard Sam snickering behind me.

"What?" Dean asked defensively, "It always made you feel better when you were scared." He nudged Sam.

I shook my head, "Whatever let's you sleep at night. Now let's get out of here before they come back."

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