Chapter 16 Shock

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Dean pulled me through the hole in the wall and towards the Impala. I walked like a zombie behind him. Reality had set in, I remembered everything. My parents, well my fake parents, Mark and Cindy Nelson a picture in my mind. Castiel changing their memories to include me. Now their oldest daughter. He had even slipped in that my mother Cindy had almost died giving birth to me. I saw my real parents. My father an angel my mother a demon. They had been married before the fall. I was just a baby when Lucifer had tried to take over. I fought back tears as I saw my father killing my mother on the battle field. His hands soaked in her blood as he sobbed for her. Then there was me. I saw my real childhood. Training for battle. Honing my talents for seeing other world things. Then visions of Amy flashed before my eyes. Meeting her, becoming her friend. Also there was another girl, a warm flash of truth went through my body. She was the real clairvoyant that Malachi was looking for. I was truly a plant. I searched my head for her name, "Erica." It came to my lips in a quiet whisper.

"Martha, hello?" Sam waived his hand in front of my face. Somehow I had gotten into the back seat, the hum of the impala the only sound I heard.

I shook myself, "Huh what?"

Sam's face looked concerned, "Ok I know a vision when I see one." He pursed his lips in disapproval. I could see the same look on Dean's face in the rear-view mirror.

"Where's Amy?" I ignored him.

Sam scrunched his face now, "She's following us in her car."

"Good." I leaned back against the seat and allowed my eyes to shut half-way.

"Oh hell no, don't you fall asleep. We need to know." Dean's voice was harsh and angry now.

Sam threw him a dirty look, "Martha my ass of a brother is right. What did you see?"

I opened my eyes and sighed, "I'm a doppelganger."

His look turned confused, "A doppelganger?"

"A doppelwhat?" Dean echoed.

"A doppelganger, a plant." I felt strained again and let my hands rub my face.

"I know what a doppelganger is Martha. But how are you one?" Sam asked.

"Look back at the warehouse, I saw Malachi." My voice was strained.

Sam sucked in a little bit of air, "What? Why did he let us go?"

"I, I don't know. Castiel was there too." I started to ring my shaking hands together.

"That Bastard!" Dean's foot fell harder against the gas peddle.

I laughed humorously, "No, I think he actually saved us."

"What?" The brothers answered simultaneously.

"The only way I can explain it is that he flashed into my mind. I mean after Malachi gave me back my memories." I leaned back again.

"Your memories. Does that mean you remember who you are?" Sam questioned.

Dean huffed, "Man for a smart guys you sure are stupid!"

Sam threw him another dirty look, "I mean do you know where you came from?" He pointed the question in my direction.

I nodded, "Yes, I'm a plant."

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