Chapter 32 The Colt

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The black started to retreat from my vision. I came to in a warm room surrounded by candles and a small roaring fire. I smiled despite myself, "Ahhh warm." Then I snapped quickly to attention. Scanning the room I looked for my mother and Sam. I tested my hands and feet for restraints.

"Damn." I muttered as the silver chains tightened around my wrists and ankles. I looked around again for Sam, there was no sign, which made a pit start to form in my stomach. Panic started to set in. Anger made me start to thrash around in my chair. I threw my head back hoping to send me backward into something that would break me free. The only thing I met was a large, hard object.

"Ouch, Damn-it Martha, I'm behind you." A groggy voice came from behind me.

Realization hit me, "Sam? Sorry!" I whispered, "Are you hurt?"

He snorted, "Other then the large bump forming on my head? Don't worry warrior woman I'm fine."

I winced, "I'm sorry." Besides, how was I supposed to know you were behind me?"

I could feel Sam shaking his head behind me. "Well next time start with looking behind you first. OR you could have even said my name." The sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I breathed in deeply, "OK, sorry."

Silence fell between us.

"Sam?" I asked tentatively, making sure that he hadn't disappeared.

"I'm here." He paused, you could almost hear him thinking, "Martha, how the hell are we going to get out of this?'

I closed my eyes searching my brains, "I don't know."

He sighed, "Is she going to kill us?" he finally asked

I answered that one quickly, "No." I said confidently. "If she was we would already be dead. Rosemary is kinda a woman of action."

Sam's body relaxed behind me, "So what does she want from us then?"

The small hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood on end. "I wish I could tell you." I let my head sag down until my chin was touching my chest. I could feel hope escaping though my body, she must be close.

"Well do we have to worry about that Judas guy?" Sam asked, his voice sounding like I felt.

"Judas?" I almost laughed outloud. "That little weasel?" Just then a guttural scream ripped from the shadows near the entrance to the room. A very angry Judas shot out from the shadows. "Oh shit." I murmured. Sam tensed behind me.

"What? What is it?" He tried to turn in his seat.

"You bitch!" Judas screamed as he ran at me.

"It's nothing Sam. Really nothing." I said through gritted teeth as I struggled in my bonds. I reached inside searching for my power hoping that at very least I could find my sword. There was nothing.

"NOTHING!" He screamed again. "After I kill you, Sammy you're little boyfriend is next!" His hands were balled into fists. He raised his hand and swung. He connected with my nose. My vision blurred and I could feel blood seeping out of my nose.

"You ASS!" I screamed. "You broke my nose!"

Judas laughed, "I guess your modeling career is over." He paused, a triumphant look on his face, "Oh wait you can't model if you're dead." He pulled a large gun out of the waist band of his pants. The firelight glinted off the handle. He aimed directly between my eyes.

I blinked. I knew I should be afraid but my emotion fled my body going to wherever my mother was hiding. Then another wave of realization hit me, "That's the colt."

Judas laughed, "You are smarter then you look!"

Sam gasped, "The colt! How could he have the colt?"

"Sam shut up!" I snarled in his direction, "Judas, you can't use that on me." I tried to keep my voice even.

He laughed again, "And why not? I mean the gun kills anything it hits and I want you dead. That sounds like a perfect reason to use it on you."

Sam tensed behind me as Judas pulled the hammer back arming the colt. My vision was blurry but I fought past the pain that my broken nose was causing me. "No Judas you can't kill me. How is Malachi going to release HIM if I'm dead?"

That caused Judas to drop the gun, "What?"

"Oh so HE didn't tell you the plan?" It was my turn to grin. Judas reached out and smacked my face with the butt of the gun. A sharp pain ran down my face followed by the warm sensation of blood rushing down towards my neck. I grunted in pain but pushed forward. "Oh yeah, Malachi is up top right now trying to open a gate to let him free." I paused to spit the blood that was pooling in my mouth on the floor, "You know what gate too. He has the telepath, the vessel and my friend Amy is telekinetic. What's the only thing he's missing Judas?" I snarled. Judas blinked at me. "What is he missing?" I screamed.

Silence hit the room. Judas let the gun down from between my eyes, "He's missing you."

I nodded, "Yes he's missing the guardian. ME."

Tension was floating between us thick enough to cut with a knife. I could see the tendrils of our emotions moving back and forth between us. Then they switched direction and headed towards a shadowy corner of the room. Rosemary's eyes glowed.

"Judas, why did my mother bring us here?" I asked quietly. He ignored my question still lost in the thought of why his master hadn't clued him in on his plan. "Judas?" I asked again.

He looked up at me and blinked tears from his eyes, "Why didn't he tell me? HE gave me the colt and ordered me to watch Rosemary. To kill her if anything out of the ordinary happened. I'm a good servant, I always follow orders." Judas continued to babble as my mother slowly moved from the shadows towards him, "He promised I would be at his right hand. He promised he would pay me back for my work. HE PROMISED." Judas began to sob now. I could see his emotion leave his body and float directly towards my mother. She smiled with delight as the smells of turkey and gravy floated through the air. "He said if I kill Rosemary that he would give me a part of his kingdom. Why would he lie?" tears ran down his face. "WHY?"

"Because he is a liar." My mother whispered in his ear.

I closed my eyes. The sound of crunching bones hit my ears as my mother, the fallen angel, broke Judas's neck.

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