Chapter 21 My powers

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"Ok so you're telling me this isn't a dream?" Amy asked again for the thousandth time.

"No it's not a dream. That's Sam and there's Dean." I gestured to the guys as they leaned over the pool table in the bar we had stopped at.

"One more time, that's Sam, Sam Winchester. There's Dean, I mean really?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

I leaned across the booth and pinched her in the arm again, "Believe me now?" I asked.

"GOD! Why do you keep doing that?" She squeaked as she rubbed the now reddened portion of her shoulder.

"DUDE! I will keep doing that until you believe me!" I stuffed a fry into my mouth and grinned.

"Fine I believe you. But what I don't believe is that well, I don't believe all that other crap you told me. I mean really, me being able to move stuff with my mind." She sipped her crown and seven through the small green straw the bar tender had put into the glass.

"Look Amy I wish it wasn't true. Not because it isn't the coolest power in the world but because it would make you a whole lot safer." I crossed my arms in front of me and stared hard at her. "This is serious. If Malachi has Erica and Julia it's going to take all of us to get them back."

She blinked for a few seconds, "God it's just so incredible. I mean Jared and whoops, I mean Sam and Dean but to top it all off I have a real angel talking to me right now." She smiled.

"Look Amy, I told you I'm no angel." I sipped my drink.

"Oh Puhlease! You have to be an angel! So if I can move stuff with my mind what can you do? Remember those nights we would talk about having super powers? What's yours?" She leaned over the table and smacked me playfully.

"Yeah Martha what's your super power?" Dean asked as he slid into the booth next to Amy. She stiffened for a moment and winked. I could feel her heart start to beat as if it were my own.

"I'd be interested to hear that one too." Sam said as he sat next to me.

I looked at all of them, "Well that one's complicated." I took a long swig from my glass and tried to avoid their gazes.

"What could be more complicated then four girls being pulled through an interdimensional portal, confronted by two of their top 10 hotties who will help them defeat evil and send them home?" Amy asked followed by Sam and Dean's laughter.

I glared at her, I was definitely glad to have the real Amy back but really? "Smartass." I took another sip from my drink.

"Look Martha, you want our help on this venture right." Dean's voice was still cold and uncaring. Ever since the car ride into town and my revelations Dean had started to grow distant. Before his eyes held concern. I could tell just by looking at him that he trusted me. Maybe even cared. But now all that I saw were empty hazel orbs. His eyes had become callus and hateful in a matter of hours. I hated that.

"Yeah." I did everything to avoid his eyes.

"Then you'll tell us," he paused, "everything."

"Dean." Sam said warning him.

I put my hand up, "No it's ok. He's right." I paused for dramatic affect, all three of them leaning in towards me, "I can burp the alphabet." I whispered. Amy and Sam laughed at my joke taking some of the tension away.

Dean starred at me, "Damn Angel's" He pushed out of the booth and headed towards the door.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" Amy asked as she drained the remaining liquor from her glass.

Sam threw me a concerned look, "Well if I was a betting man, which of course I'm not, I would bet he's mad at your little half-breed friend here." Sam motioned in my direction, "It's been a hard year for him."

"Umm sitting right here." I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Yeah, but you have to admit that my little angel hasn't had it so great either. I mean getting all those memories back like that ugh!" Amy ignored me too.

"HELLO?" I sang

"Try going to hell for your sibling and then we can talk." Sam sat back and crossed his arms.

"HA! Try cleaning out three kitty liter boxes. I got you!" Amy sat back and laughed.

"Ok you two dweebs. I'm not sure what Dean's problem is, but that doesn't change the fact that we have to come up with a plan and fast." I flicked Sam in the ear.

"Ouch, fine! But Dean was right. We have to know what weapons we have in our arsenal before we plan." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and squeezed.

"She wields a sword made of hell fire." Castiel's calm voice came from over my shoulder.

Amy's eyes widened, "Castiel?" She squeaked

I groaned, "Why don't you ever mind your own business?"

"They have to know child." He crossed in front of our booth and slid in next to Amy.

I glared at him from across the table, "Look, you jerk, we can do this without you."

He smiled at me, "She can also read minds. OH and she is trained in the dark arts." He winked at me.

"YOU BASTARD." I started to go over the table at him, but of course he was gone.

"The dark arts?" Sam asked.

"Like witch craft? Oh and do you carry numb chucks?" Amy giggled.

I sat in silence a small fire building up in my stomach, "As a matter of fact I do."

"Really?" Amy asked stunned, "I mean you always asked for a pair for your birthday but really?" Her voice rose to a squeak at the end.

"Yeah, yeah. Sometimes memories sneak through." I closed my eyes and tried to relax. Memories of my training flashed before my eyes. My father's face. My blood streaked clothes after my first kill on the battle field. My sword glowing.

"Can we get back to the dark arts?" Sam brought me back to reality. "OHHH Dean hates witches. You are in sooooo much trouble." He taunted me.

I growled, "Look whose talking."

Sam leaned back from me, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know." I could see the realization of what I meant hit Sam like a Mack truck.

"Martha." Amy whispered my name. I looked past her towards the entrance of the bar. The door opened slightly in the wind, out in the parking lot stood Ruby.

A rush of hate hit my system. The fire that had been burning in my stomach exploded out into the open. I could feel my hair rising on end, a strong tinge of power emanating from my inner core.

"Umm Martha what's wrong?" Sam asked quietly.

I ignored him. Pushing up and over the booth I headed towards the door. A gust of wind came through again, Ruby was smiling. Her teeth glinted in the moonlight. "It's on now bitch."

"Martha wait!" I could barely hear Amy's cry.

The door swung open again, Ruby beckoned for me to come.

"I told you she was special." A whisper on the wind.

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