Chapter 9 Apocalypse

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If Castiel hadn't been man-handling me I would have collapsed against the hard ground below me. There in front of my eyes Dean and Sam sat toe to toe starring at one another.

"Big Brother. What can I do for you?" Sam's eyes glinted yellow against the post apocalypse sky.

Dean growled slightly under his breath before he answered Sam's sarcastic question, "Sam stop this. Stop this now. You're not bad." I could hear the frustration in his voice. I could tell Dean was trying to hold back tears.

Sam's lips curled up into an unnatural smirk. I could feel evil radiating from every pore. It turned my stomach. "Stop what?" Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

"This Sam." Dean raised his arms and turned motioning to the chaos of battle. "What do you think Dad would think?" Sam twitched a little at the word Dad.

"We can stop this right now Dean." Sam's look turned serious. "Just give Malachi what he wants."

Now it was Dean's turn to smirk. "What exactly does he want?" Sam's body tensed at Dean's question. He looked like a puppy that had been hit after having an accident on the carpet at home. "Sam you don't have to do this."

I looked back at Castiel. He raised his eyebrow at me, "Watch."

"You know what Malachi wants Dean. Just give it to him. I'll protect you I swear. This could all be over." Sam pleaded with his brother, the yellow glint from his eyes was gone. He looked like his normal self.

Dean blinked, it looked like he might give into Sam. "No." A harsh growl came from behind the two brothers. Out from the wall of darkness a figure appeared. Dean grabbed Sam's wrist and pulled him towards the fox hole he had emerged from. "Sammy come with me. We're stronger together."

Sam's eyes were wide and brimmed with tears, "Dean it's too late for that."

"It's never too late Sam."

"Sammy come back to me." A female voice wafted towards them.

"You bitch." Dean voice spit out filled with malice.

Her laughter filled the air as Ruby came into view the light hitting her from the battle that raged on a few miles away. "Deanie, did you miss me?" She was wearing an outfit of black skin tight leather. Her hair pulled back into what I could only describe as a battle bun. I resisted the urge to run to the middle of the field and break her nose.

"You tricked him you bitch." Dean growled at her.

She threw back her head and laughed, "Tricked him? He wanted it Dean." Sam was whimpering now.

"See Sammy that's why it's always got to be Bros before Hoes." Dean lowered his voice trying to comfort Sam.

"I know Dean." He smiled at him and straightened his spine.

Ruby began taping her high priced leather boot impatiently, "Touching. Look Dean I'll make a deal with you."

Dean tensed, putting his body between Sam and Ruby. His eyebrow raised, "Thanks but no. I'm don't making deals with skanky demon witches." His signature smirk covered rage.

"Ha!" Ruby crossed her arms, foot still taping. "It's not that kind of deal meat head. I'll give you Sam back demon blood free for the girl." Dean's entire body tensed. You could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't expecting that deal. Ruby continued, "Sorry Deanie, no self sacrificing for you today. Malachi wants the girl. Then we'll come back for you. Later." Hate dripped from her lips as she finished her sentence.

Sam grabbed Dean's wrist, "Dean it's ok. I'll go back with her. I can protect myself, they won't be able to kill me." Dean's head hung down the dirt below his feet was littered with small droplets of water. He was crying.

I tried to make my feet move. That was enough, Dean was crying. There had to be something I could do. Castiel tightened his grip around my wrist. "Martha, you're meant to watch so that you can maybe prevent this." His voice was soft and kind. I felt the power of his presence brush lightly across my back.

I could feel tears running down my face now. How could this be happening to Dean again? Why couldn't he choose between the girl and Sam? I wanted to scream for him to choose Sam. Choose your brother! I opened my mouth to yell.

"Fine." Dean murmured, "take her." He dropped to his knees as a few men from behind him appeared carrying a body.

Sam dropped down next to him, "Dean no." His voice was a whisper.

Dean looked up and into his younger brothers eyes, "I didn't go to hell and back for you to end up there." He grabbed his hand and squeezed.

Ruby sniffed pretending to cry, "Oh brotherly love. Too bad everyone will be there soon. Thanks Dean." She smiled as two large demons emerged from the darkness to take the body. She laughed and was gone.

I collapsed to my knees and began sobbing. "Why did you show me this?" I managed between sobs. I could feel Castiel's powerful hand on my shoulder. I started to immediately calm my sobs slowing until I felt drained and tired.

"We need you to stop this." He said simply.

"Stop an apocalypse?" I couldn't look at him, this was simply too much.

I could hear Castiel chuckle under his breath at my fear, "Free will rears it's head again." Gently he pulled me to my feet spinning me so that I had to look into his eyes. "Gut check time here Martha. Who do you think Dean was handing over to Malachi?" His strong eyes bore through me.

I breathed in deeply closing my eyes, then the realization hit, "Me." And blackness engulfed me again.

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