Chapter 3

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{}- means Y/n is communicating with Tyranids and vis versa

Time skip 3 months


N/N and I had been picked up from the unfortunate event that happened a while back by the police of Kuoh. After asking us a few questions we were then dropped off at the orphanage that was located in the hills just outside of town (The image above).

 There was a priest there by the name of Father Michael. His appearance was unnerving, to say the least, he was almost impossibly thin, he had a mop of greasy hair that clanged to his scalp, his smell reminded of mildew and dust (if dust even has a smell). N/N seemed to agree as he said 'He creeps him out.' He also has this creepy-ass voice that reminds me of Gollum or whatever his name was from lord of the rings. 

Between the last time, I had used my powers and now my mastery had expanded by quite a bit, also my physical strength had grown with it. However, when we were first introduced to the other children there we were welcomed warmly by all but a few who seemed to have it out for us. It was a group of children that was led by a tomboyish girl by the name of Xenovia. The group consisted of her, Tyler, Zak, and Daniel. 

N/N and I had hoped that they would warm up to us but that didn't happen. They would often ridicule me and N/N, especially N/N they would push and shove him when I wasn't there for him because I would be doing chores or errands in town for Father Michael, although when they saw me they knew it was a good time to run as I first showed them I'm not to be messed around with. 

Time skip 1 year (Still at the orphanage)

N/N and I were walking down the hallway to our room in the west wing, N/N said that he wanted to be as quick as possible since he wanted to pray to the God-Emperor. Yes, ever since we had arrived N/N had started praying to this God-Emperor saying that he has found the new guiding light of the savior of the humanity of the 41st millennium, honestly being a thorough atheist and not believing in the supernatural I don't question it because let's be honest, I've got some crazy powers to summon bugs from another universe, so I let him get on with and stand up for him when Xenovia (That bitch) and her hooligans of a squad come and try to beat him up and tease him for praying to a different God. 

Father Michael doesn't mind but does sometimes request us to join the others and him to pray to their God and has even been kind enough to grant us leave from praying sessions in exchange for me to do extra errands in the town and even cleared out a room for N/N to go pray privately I go with him to make sure Xenovia and the others don't come after him as well.

I was broken out of my thoughts when N/N started talking to me.

(A/N if you ever want to imagine what N/N sounds like just imagine him having a normal voice with you but with others, he acts quite timid and quiet unless at a later stage he is fighting then he is angry and how someone would typically speak in a dangerous scenario. )

N/N: " Y/N... "

Y/N: " Yeah? "

N/N: " Um, I think Xenovia's group is following us again. "

Y/N: " Great just, great they couldn't think to leave us alone for more than a day could they, honestly from the number of times I've had to fight them you'd think they would know when to stop.  "

N/N: " I mean what do I do so wrong, I get that I'm shy, pray to a different God and I'm easy to push around but just why? "

Y/N: " I don't know little bro, I don't know."

When we got to the end of the corridor at our room door we immediately heard the one person we didn't want to hear from speak.

Xenovia: " Hey guys, look it's the freak shows, running to their room to go pray to their 'God-Emperor'. "

The Summoner ( Highschool dxd x male reader x Warhammer40k  )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें