Chapter 7

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Rias agreed but let's wait for Sona to arrive first before any more fights happen. And just like that Sona walks through the door with Tsubaki next to her.

Y/N: Right since we're all here I thought since we are lower beings how about we have a 2v2 fight to prove that we can handle ourselves?

Sona: Very well who would you like to fight

N/N: I'll fight Koneko and Y/N will fight Tsubaki



Y/N Pov

After having the devils agree to fight in a 2 versus 2 I knew that we had to hold back severely. All of the peerage members' power levels were at best mid-class with exception of Rias, Sona, and Akeno, who were high class but I could tell that Sona and Rias hadn't fought against another supernatural being before other than strays which are extremely weak due to their life force being sapped after rejecting their pieces to betray their master so, in reality, it was only their name and titles keeping them in the high-class category.

Y/N telepathy: Brother, they're weaker than I had originally thought. I mean this is just stupid weak given their heritage, I would've thought they would've trained at least a little. This is gonna be harder than I thought, at least when we speculated their power I could still have a bit of fun whilst restricting my power to that low of a level but now I can't have any fun because of them being even weaker.

N/N telepathy: It's a fine brother it just means that you can't use that weapon. May I suggest that you use king slayer instead and infuse it with plasma?

Y/N telepathy: Come on so in this battle I can't use my troopers or my favourite weapon.

N/N telepathy: Afraid so. Let's concentrate now we cannot let our true power slip. 

With that the mental link cut off and as I looked around I could see we were in the school field outside the clubhouse, it looked like it used to be used for a game of basketball or similar due to its size but because of wear and tear the markings had been erased.

Rias: Right then I believe we've already agreed who's fighting who if the participants could go to a corner each.

I went to the bottom left corner to see my opponent Tsubaki opposite me and my brother to my right with him facing against Koneko.

N/N Pov

Koneko: President why must I fight against the blind one?

Rias: Because Koneko-

N/N: Trust me Koneko I can see you and everyone perfectly even your true self, which you try to hide.

Koneko: Shut up and fight me already

N/N: Very well.

Y/N Pov

Tsubaki: You are very self-confident Y/N for you to believe that you can fight the queen of Sona as soon as you get here. Since I feel bad for you I'll give you a hint about my sacred gear, it's called Mirror Alice.

Y/N: (In a mocking voice)Thanks sweetie but I don't need any advice or help. Since we're going to be guarding you we researched all your powers and I know what Mirror Alice does and its weaknesses.

Tsubaki: How confident you are, let's fight.

Y/N: Finally.

3rd person Pov

With that Y/N and N/N started their highly restricted battle between the devils with one side having the upper hand. N/N and Koneko were the first to start their fight with Koneko rushing at N/N.

N/N thoughts: Why is she so slow? It doesn't matter more time to cast. With that, N/N cast his first attack, smite, a basic yet highly effective spell against weak enemies like this.

Koneko was caught off guard but managed to dodge it but was still caught in the explosion and was blasted to the back of the court taking lots of damage from the blast.
Koneko Pov

Koneko's thoughts: What the hell was that, he didn't do anything, he didn't draw a symbol, say anything or move in general. On top of that, it hurt like hell despite that only being the blast, not the actual strike. But luckily I mostly fine the pain was severe but thanks to the rook traits my body is a lot more resistant to magical and physical attacks.

Koneko: It gonna take a lot more than that to take me down.

N/N: Don't worry I was just giving you a taste of what I have to offer.

N/N Pov

N/N thoughts: The fact that her body took that much damage from my most basic spell speaks volumes of how untrained they are plus she not using senjutsu or any of her Neko magic. I suppose digging a little deeper with paroxysm won't hurt, well it will hurt her mentally but not me.

3rd Pov with Tsubaki and Y/N's fight

The start of their fight was triggered by a strong blue and golden glow coming from Y/N. As the devils looked on at Y/N having to shade their eyes because of the light they realised that once the light had died down Y/N was carrying a large longsword with an ornate design, but the most incredible thing is that he had pulled the sword from the ground out of nowhere.

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