Chapter 5

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Last time in The Summoner:

Damn Y/N won. I then heard a groan oh shit it came from ???, I sat there paralyzed with fear not knowing what to do.

???: Calm down youngling I won't do anything to you or my master let us wait for him to wake up I do believe I have things to explain.

N/N: Like hell you do

???: Funny you should say that.

N/N: What do you mean?

???: Just wait you'll know everything soon.

Elsewhere NO POV

???: Interesting...

Grey eyes bore into the unusual group before ??? gaze quickly flashed in that direction sensing something or someone watching them, however, he was only met with the curious gaze of an owl.


Y...N...Y/N...Y/N can you hear me? Whose voice was that was it N/N's...oh yeah I was fighting that creature that came out of that meteorite...wait shit he's still there come on wake up!


In the middle of the crater, there was a fire being tended to by someone and two young boys that were around the age of 14. One of the boys were unconscious although starting to stir whilst the other looked worriedly down at him shouting his name. Suddenly, the unconscious boy woke up eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light of the fire he could feel the warmth of the fire on his skin beckoning him back to slumber. The boy looked up at the crimson red sky and suddenly bolted up remembering the fight that happened not long ago. The boy looked around startled when he found what he was looking for the person tending to the fire was the thing he was fighting a couple of hours beforehand.


Y/N: Get behind me N/N!

The ??? looked relieved but also surprised that I was acting like this towards it.

N/N: No Y/N look he isn't the enemy you beat him and he has accepted you as his new master.

Y/N: What do you mean?

???: He speaks the truth Master, you beat me I guess now that you are awake I can explain myself and where exactly you are because I have a feeling you don't know who I am or about the Supernatural. 

Y/N: Supernatural I would call Bullshit but considering you aren't exactly human I guess I could believe you. 

???: Yes you see my name is Zogroz, I am originally from this planet and my race was referred to as the Elite guard in your tongue. However, I and my race were sent to extinction by the devils, and angels the only race that truly valued us was the fallen ones in the Grigori. They helped some of us escape and prioritized me as I was the child of our leaders, sadly... I was the only one to escape with my life. The others gave their lives to stop the siege by the angles and devils either that or they got killed just before the magic circle activated. But I didn't get away unscathed either in fact I was chained and imprisoned in that meteorite you saw me come out of and these chains are a reminder of what I am and what happened.  As for the supernatural part of all this you have heard of the faction names in fairytales or myths and legends in your world the main 3 are Fallen angels, servants of God that sinned giving them black wings, Angels, also servants of God, however, they are entirely pure and follow his guidance to the letter, however, God is dead but they are trying their best to keep this fact a secret amongst the inner circle and lastly, the devils, lead by the 4 satans which are currently Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Levithan, Ajuka Beezelbub and Falbium Asmodeus.

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