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《~Touya's POV~》

I tried to quickly run out of the building after the interview, and the bathroom now made my skin feel dry. I could hear people clapping after we finished, like saying how amazing my talking was, or how I was lucky to talk to the hero.

I held my burning anger inside, as I clenched my fist while thanking them for the idiotic compliments, it just made me more frustrated.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the recording room, the air felt so thick in there that it made the outside feel colder than usual. I quickly walked to an empty elevator, and click the down button until the door opened. I got inside, and when the door closed, I looked around to see any feathers since I knew Hawk's feathers could be a weapon for a stalker. I tried to stay calm, as emotions were playing in my head.

I didn't know what to feel as I sighed, anger, stress, and the air still felt quite thick. I sighed in relief when the elevator finally opened.

I speed-ran out of the building, nothing felt safe, or comforting anymore as he was all that filled my mind.


I shook it off as I walked, and walked, not knowing where to go anymore. Suddenly, I stopped walking and look around my surroundings felt a little unusual suddenly when I paid more attention to them. I could see barely anyone.

I looked up to see the sun wasn't there at all, the clouds were taking dominance The tension felt extreme when someone was walking towards me until they placed their hand on my shoulder. I shot back my head to the direction and slapped it off immediately. Until my eyes went wide from who this person was.

"Woah, you good?"

My face frowned when it was Hawks, again. I couldn't believe he's trying to be all innocent even though he knows he's not.

"Mind your own damn business, you dumbass."

I sighed as things were spinning my head like hell. I felt stressed, I just want to sleep for 30 minutes. He had a confused face, but I knew he would just shake it off easily.

I walked off, not wanting to see his face, I wished.

"Did anyone tell you... that you have beautiful scars?" He said as my frown came back. "What? It's true, I always liked it when I first saw it" He told me as if I was some childhood friend of his. I only met him for two days. It can't be love at first sight.

"Just leave me alone already! I said I don't want to get involved with you again!" I shouted as it somehow echoed, I felt a sudden breeze being blown. I shivered as I closed my eyes, I just didn't realized that he got closer, and whispered in my ear.

"But I can't darling, you caught my eyes immediately."

The End...?

Omg, now I reallllyyyyy want to write a extra... fluffy moment I was suppose to write in the story, but didn't know where to fit it. I think the extra chapter will be more... spicy, but not too spicy. Also not impressed by the ending :c (I'm going to change it! :>)

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