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•averys pov•

it was the next day and i felt the urge to go to the bathroom, i quickly got out of paytons grip and...you guessed it i'm on my period lovely.
c| avery?
a| yesss
c| period isn't it?
a| yess girl.
c| i've got pads in the drawer.
a| it's fine i brought some, if you don't mind could you grab a think one for me.
c| okay 1 min.
she left and came back after a couple of seconds, i unlocked the door and she came in.
c| here you go.
a| thank you i appreciate it.
c| anytime okay byeee.
a| bye.
i locked the door and i put the pad on. after all that i went into the bedroom and sat on the bed.
p| bubs?
a| sorry did i wake you up.
p| no your all good.
i pushed his hair back.
a| good morning
i kissed his forehead.
p| morning beautiful.
i smiled and i got in the covers. i raped my arms around payton.
p| your so precious.
a| no you are.
p| nope.
charli screamed.
a| we gotta wake up.
p| nooo!
a| yess payton.
p| fine.
he got up and put a t shirt on.
we all sat at the table and ate pancakes. after that we got changed into comfy cloths because we weren't going anywhere, payton and jax wore sweatpants and a t shirt, charli wore a hoodie and leggings and i wore;

 after that we got changed into comfy cloths because we weren't going anywhere, payton and jax wore sweatpants and a t shirt, charli wore a hoodie and leggings and i wore;

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p| you look so cute.
a| your adorable now give me a hoodie instead.
p| okayyy!
he passes me a hoodie and i take my cardigan and my shirt off and i put the hoodie on.
p| that was wow.
i laughed and we went down.
jf| should we watch a movie?
we all said yes and me and char went to go make popcorn.
a| you and jackson huh?
i smirked.
c| i'm starting to catch feelings.
a| i'm so happy for you and trust me he's perfect for you.
c| i'm just scared he might not like me back.
a| i think you should express your feelings to him.
c| what if it goes downhill?
a| i promise it won't, jackson will understand,and if he doesn't like you back atleast you got it off your chest, which means you can move on.
c| your right girl thanks for the advice what about you and payton?
a| awh he's the best.
c| oooo tell meeee!
a| we went on a best friend date and he took me to this place where he use to go when he was little, and we said we liked each other but we're not going to rush it.
c| that's cute.
a| and that's why we're all lovely dovely.

•paytons pov•
jf| so you and av
p| brooo stoppp.
i started blushing.
jf| cmon you can tell me.
p| fine i like her a lot.
jf| it seems like she feels the same.
p| i know.
jf| then why aren't you dating?
p| were taking it slow, i'm thinking of taking her to prom and asking her after that.
jf| she's gonna love that but isn't prom in a few months?
p| yes but me and av can't get together if we haven't even known each other for three months but i think she's the one for me.
jf| i agree with you just live the best friend life and then jump to yk hmm.
we started laughing.
p| kuikinka kuikinka
that was our joke^
jf| kuikinka kuikinka.
p| ha okay one min i'm gonna go check on avery!
i got up and went into the kitchen, there i saw avery she looked like a princess.
p| hi bubs.
i rapped my arms around her and she rapped hers around my neck.
a| hewo.
she put her head in my chest.
p| what's taking you lot so long?
a| can you not hold your horses,we're making popcorn and nachos for all of us.
c| yeah can you not wait?
p| sorry guys sorry!
a| chu better be!
she said in a baby voice.
i kissed her head and i went back into the living room. i needed to go to the bathroom because i felt it coming out. i ran and payton followed.
p| what's the matter??
a| my period it's okay dont worry about me carry on watching thank you tho.
p| no worries bub.
i was done and i walked down,
c| we paused it for you girl.
a| ty bea.
payton made a sad face and charli laughed.
c| fix your face she's mine.
i laughed and sat next to payton again. payton stuck his tongue out at charli.
p| ha ha look who she came to.
jf| can we just shut up and watch
a| thank you jackson let's watch.

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