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•averys pov•

i looked up from nick who was knocked out on the floor, my eyes met paytons.
p| i knocked him out for you!
ja| that's my job.
i stayed silent.. after a few seconds i took paytons and jadens arms and dragged them into my room. jaden sat on my gaming chair and payton sat on my bed.
ja| so?
a| i forgive payton.
ja| averyyy
he put his head down in disappointment.
a| i'm sorry but he won't do it again.
ja| you really believe that? yeah well when we were in LA he played katelyne more than five times so if you think he changed think again...
a| is that true payton?
he nodded yes.
p| but i have changed please give me a chance it could be my last chance just please i need it.
ja| nobody's buying your bullshit.
a| okay no fighting.
p| i bought you this..
payton got down on one knee.
p| it's a promise ring i promise not to betray you,lie to you or hurt you do you accept this?
a| yes but i won't do it if jaden-
ja| its your life you make you decisions but i swear to god payton if you hurt her i'll hire a mafia gang to kill you.
jaden pushed payton up to the wall.
a| hey hey hey don't touch him.
i pushed jaden off.
p| okay where were we...
payton put the ring on my finger.
a| wait payton i don't want to be bought by you i don't need the ring i just want a good relationship friendship sort of thing.
i took the ring off and i gave it him.
a| i still forgive you.
p| no keep it emerald looks great on you.
a| don't spoil me.
p| no promises baby.
i hugged him and jaden said.
ja| woo hoo my ship is back on,take care of her bro!
jaden fist bumped payton.
p| of course.
ja| well i'm gonna go enjoy my party!
a| bye bye.
jaden left and i changed into something comfy. after that me and payton cuddled.
p| i'm so sorry!
a| stop saying sorry i told you it's okay
p|sorry i mean okay
i laughed.
a| your so silly.
i put my head in his chest and he hugged me.
p| i missed this
a| me too
he kissed my head and i slowly fall asleep.

(time skip)
i woke up to yelling coming from downstairs, i got out of paytons grip and i walked down...
a| mom dad?
k| oh honey we arrived last night and your brother hasn't come home we also found drugs in his car again.
a| why were you going through his car anyway? he's 19 an adult he can do whatever he likes,bye i'm going to find him.
s| no your not HES PROBABLY HIGH!
a| okay no that's not jaden jaden has never put a pinch of drugs in his mouth nevermind him being high what are you guys talking about you don't know jaden nor me, go run along play vacation go on your ten thousandth honey moon i don't care okay i care about my brother the brother that was there for me when i was suffering and when i was having a hard time yeah that brother now i can't stand here listening to you two chatting shit to me about him okay i'm done DONE.
i started walking upstairs.
a| and i'm going to go find my brother
k|sweety we're sorry!
a| your not!
i walked into my room and i slammed the door.
p| wow!
a| i'm so sorry my parents were talking bullshit about jaden i didn't mean to wake you up.
p| it's no big deal.
a| we need to go on a man hunt come on.
me and payton got dressed and we walked downstairs.
s|where are you two going!
a| to find jaden.
s| i think she's high too katie.
p| what? excuse me that's not funny.
k| yeah steve.
a| i thought you were a cool dad.
i laughed and walked out of the door while payton followed me.
a| he's a josh's
p| how do you know?
a| he's always at his.
p| okay.

(ts, josh's house)
we knocked and josh opened it.
jo| yo
a| hi is jaden here?
jo| yes why?
a| i need to talk to him josh please
jo| follow me.
we went to joshs room where jaden was playing fortnite.
ja| hi sis!
a| hi bro mom and dad saw your drugs
ja| josh i need to go home and sort this shit out i'll call you when i can play.
jo| okay hope it goes well.

jaden walked inside and headed to the living room while me and payton followed him..
ja| what the fuck is wrong with you two?
k| nothing why do you have drugs in your car when we had this issue before
ja| you two are so fucking stupid.
jaden ran outside to get the drugs.
ja| their fake i need it for a music video, you could say shit behind my back to my sister go ahead say stuff to me now.
s| we didn't know they were fake.
ja| aight piss off let me play fortnite.
me and payton went into my room.
a| all that for what? a music vid can we cuddle pweasee
p| yes we cwan
payton had no top on, my head was on top of his bicep and i traced his abs with my finger. the door swing open and hit the wall it was my mom.
a| i need to start using that fucking lock.
p| agreed.
k| lunch is ready kids
p| i'm not hungry
a| me neither.
k| avery i need to speak to you.
a| go on..
k| alone.
a| just talk man.
k| me and your dad are going on another business trip and this time it might take a year.
a| k go.
my mom left the room and shut the door on the way out.
a| i don't see why she needed me to be alone to say that.
p| i know right

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