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•averys pov•

⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️
the sway left but jaden and josh stayed,
ja| AV
ja| have you got a studio?
a| yeah it's in the basement.
ja| thanks
after a while i walked into the basement to check up on my bro and he was laughing with josh.
a| whats wrong?
ja| oh nothing
jo| should we tell her
ja| i don't mind
jo| well he deleted paytons work..
a| that's so rude and selfish he worked on that, he may have done bad stuff to me but he put his time and effort into them.
ja| he hurt you.
a| but that doesn't give you a right to go in his computer and delete his stuff, i've had enough!
i walked out and went into my room, payton was there.
a| excuse me i'm going to was the sheets could you move?
he moved.
i took the bedsheets off and went to go wash them. while they were in the was i put new ones on, i sat on my side of the bed and i just stared into space like i've been doing for these past few days.
p| luca huh?
i turned around and i sat up.
a| payton i don't like lying to you luca isn't real my brother made the name up because he wanted you to be jealous i'm sorry for going along with it i'm such a bitch i hate lying, i don't know how you can lie it's horrible.
p| i'm getting hurt!
a| by who?
p| the blonde girl.
a| omg.
i moved closer to him and i held his hand.
a| i'm here for you but you just have to be honest with me, this wouldn't have happened if you were just honest.
p| i know but i'm getting hurt by her.
a| how
i started rubbing his hand slowly.
p| r@pe
a| baby?
i started crying.
a| im so sorry!
p| no i am.
a| listen baby im always here for you no matter what i love you so much, i have hope that you can become better, i want jaden to like you because right now we both know he doesn't and i'm sorry you had to go through her stuff and my brothers abuse.
p| i deserved it but because of you i didn't die.
i smiled and tear dropped out of my eye.
a| i'm so numb without you i can't do anything properly.
p| me too baby i love you so much could i tell you something?
a| of course you can.
p| i've been starving myself..
a| why on earth are you doing that?
p| because i'm not good enough for you.
a| your perfect for me but all i want is for you to be honest with me.
p| i will.
a| follow me baby.
p| wait,wanna be my girlfriend again?
a| yes of course!!
we walked into the basement and there was jaden and josh.
a| hi boys
p| yo!
payton and i were holding hands.
ja| avery!
a| yes?
ja| what are you doing?
a| nothing.
ja| i mean what is that.
he pointed at our hands.
a| were together again.
jo| avery bro!
a| tell them what you told me baby.
payton told them and they were shocked.
ja| where does she live
p| random street
everyone got in jadens jeep and we went to the address..

(time skip)
let's just say we beat the fuck out of her.

i was cuddling payton when he spoke.
p| baby?
a| mhm
p| i'm sorry for everything could we start over?
a| yes we can baby i love you so much.
p| i love you more.
a| give me a kissy
payton kissed me and we made out for five minutes until jaden came in.
ja| hi
p,a| hi
ja| i'm sorry payton
p| it's fine
ja| and i'm sorry for deleting your work.
p| you did what!
ja| on your computer.
a| come here baby.
i hugged payton and i gave jaden and death glare.
a| babe?
p| mhm?
a| we can find them on the computer don't worry, it's probably in the trash we can get it out.
p| yes thank you come on.
ja| wait guys me and josh are gonna head back to LA and payton if you hurt a hair on averys head you won't be alive and mark my word.
p| okay!

(time skip)
a| bye bro i'm gonna miss you!
i hugged jaden and josh.
jo| byeeee
ja| bye avery i love you
a| love you too jaden
p,a| bye guys!

they left and me and payton watched netflix all night.

(time skip)
we did the dirty that night lol

a/n| don't forget to vote!

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