~Chapter 9~Yeah I do~

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George hugged Dream back.
"Yeah yeah whatever."
What was dream doing? He hugged George but he didn't want to let go. Just like last night, he felt safe.Dream noticed George's phone on the small coffee table in front of them, as he got a YouTube notification and saw that it was 11:56pm. He and George were probably just tired.
"I'm glad we could all meet up."
George said slightly leaning into dreams hug.
"Me too, what did you think when you first saw me?"
George giggled.
"I thought you were very pretty."
Dream blushed a little.
"Thank you."
"What do think Twitter would do if I posted a picture of all three of us?"
George covered his face.
"Probably freak out and try to guess what you look like."
"True true, but it would be kinda pog."
"It's kinda funny how much the fans ship up."
Dream treaded his hands through his hair.
"Yeah, I know we said we were ok with it but they would go nuts if we actually go together."
George looked a little sad before saying.
"Yeah but we are both just friends."
"Yeah I guess so..."
George grabbed dreams hand and out it on his head. I feel like we would kiss right about now due to being in some fanfic or something."
Dream started brushing through George's hair.
"Yeah- its does feel like that."
Dream paused for a moment before changing the subject.
"How is tour hair so soft?"
George laughed once more.
"Cause I wash it?"
"Well that's obvious you dumbass!"
Dream then ruffled George's hair and he squirmed a little.
"Hey stop that!"
"What are you gonna do? Hit me?"
George punched dreams arm but was not affected.
"Oh no George I'm in so much pain! What am I to do."
George just judged him but dream kept going.
"Oh it hurts so much! I'm loosing all feeling in my body!"
Dream slowly gave up on sitting and slowly flopped over ontop of George.
"Hey get off of me!"
"I can't I'm to hurt and injured!"
"Your to big! Your crushing me!"
Dream was aware of the fact he was crushing George's tiny body but he found it humorous.
George then bit him.
"What? you won't get off of me."
George said laughing.
He always squinted his eyes when he was laughing. He blushed very easily.
There was a tiny red mark where George had bitten him.
"Pfft that hurt you dum dum. Now I am in more pain and unable to move!"
George was helpless. But I'm this case he didn't mind all that much.
Then he had an idea to get Dream to move.
He gave him another small peck on the cheek.
"There! Now I used my magic to make all the pain away!"
Dream laughed and played along.
"Now! I rise!"
He stood up but then picked up George.
"Dream! Put me down!"
Dream spun in circles. Though acting childish it was fun.
While spinning dream ending up hitting his arm on the door frame where he had hurt it earlier that day. He gave a little tsh as if a fire had just been put out brut he kept spinning .
"Wait wait dream!"
Dream stopped for a moment with a big grin on his face.
"Is your arm ok?"
"Pfft George it's fine! See?"
He moved his shoulder around in a circle signaling he was ok.
George sighed with relief.
"Yeah yeah whatever! Put me down I'm tired!"
Dream took this as the perfect opportunity.
"Okay if your tired you can sleep!"
Dream started carrying George to his room.
"Dream- I can walk-"
"I know!"
Simallar to the other night dream had dropped George on his own bed.
The springs could be heard as he was dropped.
"There you go!"
Dream tried not to laugh to loud as to wake up sapnap.
"Yeah yeah, what ever! Good night dream."
"Night George."
Dream went over to the door to open it after it had shut on them.
The door wouldn't open.
Dream tried again.
Was it stuck?
"Uh George-"
"I can't open the door."
George stood up.
"You can open a door?"
George went over to dream trying to open the door. He grabbed the hand turning it ways Dream didn't even know it could go. They were stuck.
Thankfully not the worse place to be stuck in but still freedom was nice.
George shouted. Dream joined him as they both shouted for sapnap in the other room.
"How does he sleep so soundly-"
George commented slightly annoyed and particularly jealous of how soundly he slept.
"I have no idea. Does that mean we are stuck until morning?"
"I guess so."
The two of them just stood their unsure of what to do.
George's room of course had two beds, but one of them was covered in a mountain of George's stuff and it was past midnight at this point, they didn't want to move that.
"Dream I can just-"
Dream picked up George and threw him over his shoulder.
Dream before George could say anything leaped onto the bed dropping George.
He giggled as he was laying next to George.
"Dream! You could of hurt yourself!"
"Yeah yeah you care about me we all know."
"No I mean-"
"What ever you dummy come here."
Dream grabbed George and snuggled George underneath his arms.
"Uh dream-"
"This is uhh..."
"If you can't beat them, join them! That's the saying right?"
George giggled and faced towards dream.
"Yeah your right, that's correct."
941 words

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