Insanely,Madly -NIALL HORAN

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Insanely, Madly- NIALL HORAN

My hand slid lazily along the couch, trying to find my phone while my eyes stayed glued to the telly. I patted the fabric lightly, fingers searching and coming up empty every time. But I suppose that was the consequence of not keeping my phone in my pocket.

"Ni, have you seen my- Niall!" I shouted when I looked over and saw him scanning through my phone, smirking lightly. "You wanker! Give it back," I reached for it and my best friend's body tipped over, sprawling him sideways across the couch.

This happened nearly every time Niall and I hung out. Being my best friend, he thought he was entitled to read every text and change every contact name. Of course my phone was password protected, but he knew the code and I was far too lazy to change it. He never hesitated to put his name as SexyNialler and then add a heart to the end. Not that I minded, but it was quite awkward when anyone saw my phone and read his name. But every time I was visiting him my phone always ended up out of my pocket and into his nimble hands.

This was my first time seeing Niall in a long time. I'd missed his birthday due to the fact that I was back at school, and I'd only seen him once or twice since he and the boys got back from tour. Niall had a busy schedule, far more busy than mine, and seeing him one on one was difficult most of the time. When we did get to see each other it was brief, only time for a quick hug and smile. So being with him now, at his apartment and watching movies, was nice. I got to spend time with my Niall. My best friend.

But even this was hard. I'd been head over heels for him since we were twelve, always wanting to be next to him or hanging out with him. We were always inseparable, during lunch we'd sit together and on the weekends we were always each others houses. Two peas in a pod. Always.

So when the X-Factor rolled around and Niall was gone, I found out how much I truly missed him, and I realized how much I liked him. Loved him, really. But he was Niall. Niall who farted and flirted with every girl who walked past. How was it possible that I was falling for my best friend?

Soon enough Niall and the boys were everywhere. Every magazine cover, every pop culture bullshit tv show, online. Everywhere. Both of our lives were moving on in the blink of an eye. Sure, we kept in touch with texts and even phone calls every once in awhile, but he was off being one fifth of One Direction while I finished school. In the last few years it was hard to see him without the flashbulb of a camera going off in my face or the screeches of teenage girls making me go half deaf. I'd be lying if I said being the one and only Niall Horan's friend was easy, but I tried and, somehow, we made it work.

In the time that Niall was gone I'd dated around and had some not so serious relationships, ultimately moving on with my life and attending school. Not thinking about Niall was hard, and hearing about him being linked to girls made my stomach churn in the worst way. But from the day I realized I'd liked Niall I promised nothing would happen between us. He was my best friend and I wasn't willing to jeopardize that by confessing how I felt.

"Give it back!" I shouted now and pushed the bowl of popcorn aside, pulling at Niall's leg while he laughed and tried to wiggle away, his long body sprawled across the couch as he opened up my texts.

"You're gonna tear my jeans off!" he shouted and then chuckled, pulling his jeans up with one hand while he held my phone in the other. "Who the hell's Jordan? Boyfriend?" he asked with raised eyebrows as I climbed up his body.

I shook my head and pinched his side so he jumped. "Give me the damn phone, Ni. You know I don't have a boyfriend," I huffed, out of breath as I pretty much straddled his chest, wrapping my hand around his wrist and trying to pry my phone out of his fingers.

#DIRTYIMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora