The Jealous Feeling -NIALL HORAN

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That Jealous Feeling- NIALL HORAN

I laced my fingers together on my lap, staring down at my hands. The red nail polish looked dark in the dim confines of the car and I bit my lip, trying hard to simply focus on the stupid color rather than the fuming boy that was next to me.

Niall's grip on the steering wheel was tight. He hand the fingers of one hand wrapped around it and the other rested against his door. He was staring straight ahead, but I could see that he was trying not to look at me. His eyes darted in my direction quickly and then he stared back at the empty streets in front of me.

"You can't stay mad at me forever," I said sulkily, frowning at him.

Instead of saying anything, Niall made a "Pfft" noise and continued driving. But I'd meant what I said. He couldn't stay mad at me forever. So what if I'd been talking to another guy? It was just talking, that was it and nothing more. And when the guy had put his hand on my knee I'd pushed him away and told him to stop. But was that good enough for blondie? Absolutely not. He had to get mad and demand that we leave the party early, his blue eyes iced over in anger as he stomped to the car. I trailed behind slowly just to tick him off further, unhappy with the fact that he would get so angry at me over something so stupid. Niall's jealousy could easily get the best of him and I was usually great at reassuring him that he had nothing to worry about. But tonight I just didn't want to do that and, to spite him, I didn't bother with a reassurance.

He pulled into the parking garage that led up to my apartment and right when he'd put the car in park I opened my door. Sliding out of it easily, I slammed my door harder than necessary and began to walk toward the service elevator, my heels clacking against the concrete. The fun night that we'd been having with all of our friends was shot to shit because of him and I was frustrated, not to mention saddened by the fact that I didn't get to stay to see some longtime friends that had yet to show up.

Soon enough I heard his door shut too and he was coming after me. Rolling my eyes, I knew that I didn't have to turn around to know that his eyes were fixed on me and he was twirling the car keys around one slim index finger.

"Go home," I said and pushed the button of the elevator. "I don't want you here."

"And I didn't want you flirting with another guy, but you did that anyway, right?" Niall asked. He was standing a little closer than I originally thought he was and I jumped, stepping forward into the elevator.

"Oh, for the last fucking time I wasn't flirting with him!" I shouted as the door closed, throwing my arms into the air. "I was having a damn conversation with the man because you disappeared."

Niall made an incredulous face, his mouth opening slightly. I could lie and say that he didn't look attractive as hell in his white button down shirt and clean black slacks, but I won't. His hair was a mess from him running his fingers through it in frustration. He looked good like that, all ruffled and mad. But with the look Niall was giving me now, I knew that it wasn't the time to think about sex.

"You're saying this is my fault?" he asked, his voice raising an octave and his accent growing thicker.

"Jesus," I shook my head and pushed past him, stepping into the hallway and going to my door, quickly unlocking it. I tried to slide in and close it behind me, hoping to slam it in his face. But Niall easily maneuvered his way inside, closing the door behind him like this was his own apartment and not mine.

"Leave!" I yelled at him, pointing toward the door and resting my other hand on my hip, staring at him with my head cocked to the side. "You're being ridiculous."

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