chapter 3 - lunch break

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yes more break,  school is boring okay...... and if this bother you, i can't help. sorry:).

Class ended by the clock loudly ringing over the school, telling the kids, that there class was over, and they could get some food.
'' SHOUTA WE GOTTA HURRY!'' Hizashi yelled, almost half out of the classroom already.
''WHY!?'' Shouta just yelled after his friend, while fishing for his lunch money in his backpack. he started walking out of the classroom, when someone grabbed his wrist, and pulled him halfway to the cafeteria, in a hurry.
he looked up it was Hizashi... ''of course'' he thought, and rolled his eyes, while pulling his hand to himself and just started running next to his friend.
''why are we running zashi!?'' Shouta asked.
''cause... i really have no idea, actually'' Hizashi said, still running, pretty fast.
they were the first ones there, they gasped for breath, while the lady behind the desk asked them what they wanted.
they ordered there food, and sat down with one of the long tables in the cafeteria.

when they finished eating, there was still 40 minutes till the break was over.
''wanna get up on the roof sho??'' Hizashi asked
''sure'' Shouta responded, a bit irritated. he didn't like when there was to many people around him, and the cafeteria was full of kids. 

~~time skip~~

They got ourside of the school, ''oh it stopped snowing'' Hizashi said sad.
''i said that'' Shouta responded heading over to the ladder where they could climb up to the roof.
while they were climbing up the ladder Shouta again thought about his suicide plans, maybe he should try. ''i mean what can go wrong'' he said to himself in his brain.

there was a small edge on the roof all the way around the square, maybe he could try to balance on that?
they got all the way up to the roof, there was 60 meters (196'86 ft) down from the top.

(fun fact, you die if you fall from 30 meters (98'42 ft) sooo, i just figured this out after i wrote that so uhm yeah)(and also idk if it's canon that UA is 60 meters tall, i just thought that, it may fitted i have no idea actually)

there were no where to sit on the roof so they just sat on the 'ground' when they got tired of standing up.
''Zashi do you think i can balance on the edge?'' Shouta asked.
''idk'' Hizashi responded while crawling over to the edge, to look out over it.
''there is really long way down, sho''
''i know,, but, i wanna try it'' Shouta said.
''then do it. But please be careful, if you fall down you could die''
they both went quiet when he said that.
Shouta went up to the edge putted his arms out to both sides, and started balancing his way over the edge.
Hizashi walked next to him just in case.
he started talking again, but Shouta was to concentrated, to pay attention to what Hizashi said. while he focused on putting his right food right in front of the left one,
he didn't noticed that his shoes wasn't tied tight enough, before it was to late.
he stumbled, and fell off the roof. the last thing he heard before closing his eyes was Hizashis scared voice, yelling at him and grabbing out for him.
''SHOUTA!!!!'' he yelled.
shouta closed his eyes knowing that now everything was over... he would fell to his death, and break his only, and best friends heart.

he didn't know it was this awful, knowing that he had nearly a minute of falling before hitting the ground. 

A jerk in his body made him open his eyes, he saw Hizashi hanging with half of his body over the roofs edge, he had a firm grip on Shouta's right hand, with both of his hands.
''hold on Sho'' he said with shaking voice.
Shouta tried getting his left hand up to Hizashis hands and his own. but he failed.
he wasn't strong enough, course he haven't trained hard enough, he would be an awful hero.
or would he even be a hero '
'Zashi, just let me fall i'm not gonna be a good hero anyways''.
small tears started showing up in Shoutas eyes it sounded so hard, and sad.

''it's okay Zashi, just let me go.''
''NO!!!!'' Hizashi nearly screamed, activating his quirk, without knowing.
he yelled now with tears in his voice.
Shouta paused. ''he-he loves me!?'' he confused said to himself.

it gave a shock in him, as he slipped an inch out of Hizashi's hands.

''shouta, i'll try reach out for your left hand, but you have to reach out for mine as well. okay''

Hizashi said with a more calm but with a now shaking voice.
''that is to dangerous Zashi, what if we both fall?''
''then we at least leave together.. we have to try'' Hizashi said still with a shaking voice.
''on 3 i'm gonna release my right hand and then you gotta reach out for it okay.''
''okay'' Shouta responded.
''1... 2... 3 NOW'' Hizashi said, and released his right hand, which made Shouta slide an inch more.
Shouta reached as high as he could, and grabbed Hizashis hand.
now he just needed to pull Shouta up what could be hard enough.
he was already gasping for breath and Shouta did the same.
this was going to be a long, and painful process.

And i think this is a great place to stop this chapter.. *evil laughter*.
i hope you like this chapter as much as i do, ehmmm.
i had to go outside to figure out how much 60 meters were, an that is a lot actually.
and it was raining. hope you like it.
anyways if you are pretty dirty minded, you properly found some sentences perverted, i'm sorry for that. but i'm gonna say goodbye here and see ya in the next chapter (which hopefully will come out soon) bai bai

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