chapter 5 - Christmas part 1

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Pling! Shouta woke up to the sound of a message on his phone.
it was Hizashi, of course.
''Sho it's snowing!! and also do you wanna walk to school together?'' the text said.
shouta got up, and walked to over to look out of his window.
he flinched as the daylight hit him.
Hizashi was right all over the ground was a thin layer of snow about an inch, not more.
and small snowflakes was falling from the sky.
he took his phone and texted Hizashi, ''i just woke up but i'll be ready in 5 min''
he found his uniform in the closet, and putted it on. 
he looked at the calendar, 20. december.
it had been a week since he nearly fell to his death, and him and Hizashi got together.

He heard a knocking on the front door, and his mom calling after him.
''Shouta, it's for you!''
''coming mom'' he responded, while jumping out of his room putting on his socks.
he looked and waved when he saw Hizashi standing in the door.
''here's your breakfast, shouta'' his mom said, giving him a small bag with a piece of bread, and an apple, in it.
''thanks mom'' shouta responded, reaching out for the bag.
he took his jacket, and his shoes. and putted it on.

they started walking to school, Hizashi garbed shoutas hand.
''last day at school huh?'' Hizashi said quit.
''yeah'' shouta responded looking down.
'' i have a question, sho''
''hmm?'' shouta said curious.
''do you wanna celebrate christmas with me?'' Hizashi asked, and looked at the dark haired boy.
''idk if i'm allowed...'' shouta responded, with an sad voice.
''i asked my mom and she said it sounded like an amazing idea!'' Hizashi said. 
''it is always just me and my parents, i don't have any grandparents, and my only aunt live in America.'' Hizashi continued.
''oh i see'' shouta said, '' i have a lot of family members that i only see at christmas, my mom have 3 sisters and my dad have 2 brothers.'' '' i don't really like being with them they ask alot of questions and they have kids... and they are so loud.'' ''but because i only see them at christmas time, i don't think they will allow me'' shouta kinda yelled in frustration.
''we can ask my mom if she wanna ask your parents, that may be easier than if we do it.'' Hizashi said.  ''okay'' shouta mumbled. 

~~ time skip after school ~~

the bell ringed after the last lesson this year, all the students packed there stuff and slightly disappeared.
Hizashi went over to shoutas disk, ''happy holidays sho'' he said.
''ty zashi'' he responded in his usually emotionless voice.
'' ready to go?'' Hizashi asked, ''yeah'' shouta responded.

~~ at Hizashis house ~~

'' i'm home!!'' Hizashi said opening the door.
Hizashis mom showed up in the door, smiling. '' welcome home guys''
Shouta liked Hizashis mom, she was just like him. tall, long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, and those beautiful, bright green eyes. his dad also looked like that, his hair was just darker.
'' come inside'' she said '' it must be cold outside, it has been snowing all day, i'll make you some hot cocoa'' she finished her sentence and walked to the kitchen. 
the boys took of their outerwear and putted theyre backpacks in Hizashis room.
when they came back miss yamada was ready with hot cocoa, at the table.
they sat down. ''so how are you doing Shouta?'' she asked. '' i haven't seen you that much lately.''  '' i'm doing good, nothing much'' shouta responded looking at the mug with hot cocoa.
''we wanted to ask you if you wanted to text shoutas mom to ask about christmas'' 
hizashi said.
'' sure, but why don't you ask her yourself?'' she responded.
'' course, we aren't sure she's gonna allow him if we ask.'' Hizashi explained.
shouta just nudded
'' why don't you think she would allow you?''
'' course shouta have a lot of family that he only see once a year'' Hizashi said.
'' actually, I see them a couple of times a year, but my cousins are not that old, and they're loud.'' shouta explained. 
''oh!, talking about cousins'' Hizashis mom said exsited '' Hizashi my sister is coming for christmas this year with your new cousin.''
''she's what?!'' Hizashi said shocked.
'' yeah i hope you would be happy about it.'' she said.
''I AM!!'' he nearly yelled. ''this year will be perfect if just shouta can come to.''
'' i think he can, i'll text his mom.'' hizashis mom said, drinking the last cocoa in her mug.
Shouta just smiled, seeing hizashi so happy and excited made him happy. it made him glad that he was excited, to celebrate something so important as christmas with him.
they finished their hot cocoa, miss yamada took of the dishes and the boys walked to hizashis room. 

''hey sho'' Hizashi said sitting on the bed next to shouta.
''hmm?'' shouta said looking at him
'' what do i remind you of?'' hizashi asked.
''what?'' shouta said with a questioning voice and tilted his head, like he always did when he was curious or didn't understand a question.
'' what do you think when you look at me? what's the first thing that come to your head?'' Hizashi explained. 
''for example, when i look at you i think of the moonlight, and cats. you remind me of something quit but smart, and of course i think of you being both my boyfriend and best friend.'' Hizashi said.
''ohhhh, i understand'' shouta said kinda blushing to what hizashi tought about him.
'' uhhmm let me see.'' shouta looked hizashi deep into the bright green eyes.
'' you remind me of peace, and spring. you remind me of the sun you're just as bright, as it. you remind me of, something cheerful, and someone who wants to help everyone.'' shouta finished his sentence, still looking hizashi in the eyes.
''r- really?'' hizashi said in a shaking voice.
shouta just nodded for an answer.

so i'm not gonna write this much down here, but i'm wary satisfied with this chapter and the art above it NOT mine, it's from lanimani and it also stands on the picture.
but anyways i think next chapter is gonna be the final one. 
see ya bye (and also this chapter is over 1000 words, i'm so proud)

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