Chapter 4 - lunch break part 2 and confession

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This was going to be a long and painful process.....

''How do we do this Zashi??'' Shouta asked, clearly scared.
''uhmm, i'll try move my legs up in front of me, so i can use the edge as a support.''
it was pretty clear that he didn't know what to do. but he didn't wanted to scare shouta, by saying he didn't know, but he thought he figured out a pretty good plan.

Shouta felt a jerk in his body as the blond guy started moving.
''just hold on Sho i'm almost in the right place'' Hizashi said obviously in pain.
''i'm trying..'' Shouta responded.
''you know wha-..'' hizashi stopped, he really shouldn't say that.
''what??'' Shouta said.
''uhm nothing'' he said.
''okay?'' Shouta responded very curious.
''why would i even think about saying that in a situation like this, if i want him to hold on i shouldn't say stuff like that.. but it would have been easier with shirakumo here, his quirk would have been perfect for this situation. why would shouta even walk on that edge in the first place??'' then it hit him. ''was he trying to commit suicide??'' Hizashi thought while trying to get his legs in front of him so his feet were touching the edge, and then he could kinda kick it and shoot himself backwards and get some strength from that.

''i can't hold on much longer zashi'' Shouta said in pain. ''i feel like my arms are gonna fall off'' he continued. 
''listen Shouta my legs are in place now, i am going to see if i can kick myself backwards, so be prepared'' Hizashi said also pain.
another jerk went through Shoutas body as he almost flew up from the place where he had hung for almost 10 minutes.
he landed on Hizashi chest in a kinda awkward position, they both blushed and looked away.
about 2 seconds after Shouta got pulled down, as Hizashi hugged him, and started crying.
Shouta hugged back, even though it was a little hard, since Hizashi was laying on his back.
they hugged for about 3 minutes then Shouta pulled away.
''Are you okay Zashi?'' he asked his friend, who had stopped crying now.
''i am'' he responded with an happy voice.
''how can you already sound happy again?'' Shouta asked.
''because i didn't lose my best friend in the hole world:)'' he answered with a big smile on his face, wich made Shouta smile to.

then they realised the position they were in, and quickly pulled away, and sat next to each other instead. they looked at each other and started laughing, for no reason.
after a few minutes Shouta stopped laughing and looked ahead and asked.
''hey Zashi?'' 
Hizashi stopped laughing to and responded with an ''yeah?''
''earlier when i said to you that you could just let me go...'' he continued.
''yeah'' hizashi said know looking at Shouta.
''you said, you... you said you loved me.'' Shouta finished his sentence and looked at the now blushing Hizashi.
''what did you mean?'' shouta asked looking hizashi directly in his eyes.
''uhmm.... hehe'' hizashi said nerves.
Shouta just tilted his head, still looking at Hizashi.
Hizashi moved closer to shouta and took his hands.
''Sho i've wanted to tell you this for a long time i just haven't been brave enough.'' he said
''what is it? you know you can tell me everything'' shouta said in a calm voice.
''Shouta Aizawa. Do you wanna be my boyfriend??'' Hizashi asked and looked away clearly embarrassed
''sure'' shouta responded, smiling at his new boyfriend. 
Hizashi just looked at him shocked. ''you mean that?!'' he said questioningly.
Shouta nodded.
''Zashi, i said sure, that means yes if you didn't know'' he said
'' i know that, it was just a little overwhelming'' Hizashi respond 
''why?'' Shouta ask tilting his head again.
''i mean.... i didn't know you were gay. and it is weird just to ask, like imagine just going up to your friend asking: what's you seksuality, and then just walk away'' Hizashi explanied.
''first of all, that is not weird to ask, second, what friend ask you something and then just walk away?'' Shouta ask while smiling.
''i have no idea'' hizashi said and started laughing again.
Shouta just looked at him, still smiling.

then he asked ''do you know what the clock is?''
''oh uhmm'' he said looking for his phone in his pocket.
''it's 13:15 (1:15 pm) so we gotta head back to class'' he said after looking at his phone.
''i'll be carefull crawling down the ladders, so we don't have to repeat the scenario, we just went through.'' he said looking down the building.
''yeah i think that sounds like a great idea.'' Hizashi responded.
they started crawling down the ladder carefully. when they got to the end of the ladder the bell ringed, and they decided to run to class as fast as they could, so they wouldn't come to late.
no one would ever figure out what happened on the roof, it was almost like they forgot. or maybe it was more like, they didn't want to remember.

Chapter 4 is out (a lot faster than i thought actually) i like writing this story it's so fun.
i hope you like it as much as i do. i don't know how many more chapters there's gonna be.
this story is just a headcanon i've had in my head for awhile, but i'll be making a new one when i'm done with this one (also a head canon). this chapter weren't as long as the others, i just couldn't find out what more to write. anyways see ya in the next chapter bai bai

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